The Fate of Biafra, Kanu in the Light of Theresa May’s Speech in The U.S
The joint news conference between UK Prime Minister, Theresa May and the US President, Donald Trump was really a ground of sanctimonious posture by the UK government.
Though many issues were presented to the new US government by Britain as the world was made to understand. From Russia-phobia, to the refugee course, down to torture issues. Among the many subjects May presented to Trump, none got my attention than the sanctimonious posture of UK’s government over the issue of torture.
UK never and will never say no to torture, her history and her present doings are all clad with aiding and abetting torture both on her soil and other lands. It is a great height of hypocrisy that Theresa May would dare to counsel US on the need to drop torture as a means of extracting information from detainees when the government she spearheads also involves directly and indirectly in torture.
UK government preaching against the use of torture as a means of extracting information is a grievous exposure of her double standard when it is obvious she has no clean slate on torture.
Many nations in the Middle East and Africa today have been overwhelmingly encouraged by Britain to carry out extreme torture on her citizens.
Also recently, individuals had reported cases of torture meted out to them by Britain. What else are we saying? Theresa May should hide her face in shame for trying to claim innocent and preach against a cause that she and her nation are aiding and abetting.
Theresa knows where she ought to have preached her mantra other than the US under Donald Trump. If she claims ignorant of such, I will give her an example; that country is no other country than Nigeria which Britain criminally created.
Nigerian government till tomorrow uses extreme and extrajudicial torture against the Biafran people at the supervision of UK government. Theresa’s weightless counsel should be addressed to Nigerian government whose profile when it comes to torture is alarming.
Nigeria which May’s government is a parent nation does not only involve in extreme torture, rather she goes as far as killing and snuffing innocent lives out from Biafrans which she obviously knows. Has Theresa May ever address such? Maybe because Biafrans are not Muslims which her government is known for protecting and speak for.
What of the issue of her citizen Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who is under Nigerian government’s torture? Has Britain cared to speak for him? But Theresa could fly across the pacific to plead with Trump to soft pedal on his plan to torture Islamic extremist. That is how damaging British soul has been mortgaged to Islamists. Very pathetic and hypocritical. Such a shameful trip indeed met its due reward as the three times misspelling of Theresa’s name was a clear message to her from the US that the present US government does not take her and her visit serious. The earlier UK understands that Trump is not kidding with his resolution to sanitize the world from Islamic terror, the better for them.
It is high time the UK under Theresa May starts considering a review in her relationship with the Islamic Northern Nigeria. Biafrans have times without number extended their hand for a diplomatic relationship with Britain but to no avail. Like the British clear support against Donald Trump which met her waterloo, so also will her clear support against Biafrans meet its waterloo except there is a termination of her support to Nigeria.
Written By Chika Austine
Edited By Chukwuemeka M Chimerue
For Biafra Writers