Nigeria ‘Likely’ to Experience a COUP in 2017- WashingtonPost
According to a study from the Washington Post, coups may actually occur in 2017 in Nigeria and 29 other countries.
Among other things, the study
estimates the probability of a coup
based on type of government in place,
personal freedoms, economic prosperity
and access to the internet and other forms of communication.
We use a small number of statistical
models to create separate forecasts for
the risk of a successful coup, like in
Thailand in 2014, or failed coup
attempt, like in Turkey in 2016. Then
we combine them to get a single forecast for the risk of a coup attempt
for each country.
Meanwhile, WaPo asserts that the
United States is about one-third as
likely to experience a coup in 2017 as
Nigeria and Niger due to a “high infant
mortality rate” compared to other
developed countries.