Trump Rally: Drama in Court Today as Magistrate Refuses to Hear Case of 45 Biafran Detainees
The case of the 45 Biafrans arraigned in Magistrate Jaja’s court 5 of the Port Harcourt Magistrate court out of the over 65 Biafrans arrested during ” Trump Solidarity Rally” held on 20th January, 2017 in Igweocha, Biafraland has truly exposed Nigerian Judiciary as one of the major breeding ground for corruption in the country.
What else does one need to know other than the fact the Nigerian judiciary is obviously compromised and ridden with corrupt practices? The case which was yesterday slated for ruling on the bail application of the accused Biafrans was not even listed as one of the cases to be entertained today.
Recall that the case was yesterday shifted to today due to what the court termed the inability of the presiding Magistrate to come to the court. The unfortunate part is not that the Magistrate was absent yesterday but the fact that no cogent reason was given for his absence; coupled with the reality that he had all his numbers switched off raised serious suspension of “conspiracy to deal with the innocent accused Biafrans” by the Nigerian government.
The charade that took place in the court today further confirms the “conspiracy theory” as the prison officials did not even produce the accused in court which further proves a case of premeditated attempt to deny the accused bail which is a fundamental human right issue.
The lawyer representing the accused, Barr. Onyema on behalf of Barr. Ifeanyi Ejiofor today could not hide his disappointment with the ridicule that the Judiciary has subjected itself into as he wondered aloud “what would have made a case that was shifted to this very day not to listed among others?”
There was however a mild drama in court as Biafrans that came to witness the case started shouting “Typical of The Zoo” “Nigeria is a Zoo” when it became confirmed that the charade that took place today was premeditated.
The case has however shifted again till tomorrow the 1st of February 2017, for ruling on the bail application. Biafrans worldwide therefore use this opportunity to call on all men of goodwill to prevail on the court to do justice to this case in earnest.
Ejike Ofoegbu
Reporting From Igweocha
For Biafra Writers

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