Nigeria Mega Protest: Ndi Igbo & Biafra Vindicated
By: George N. U.
I watch with full sense of humor and a jaw dropping expressions when I heard that Nigerians have awoken their consciousness towards this present administration
If we can go back to time past during elections I can freely and authoritatively give credit to the Igbos, one for not being backstabbers and two for standing firm in their beliefs even when the table was turn against them
Igbos saw this coming and actually will not have any case to answer should anything happens to the Nigeria project
Did you remember the 5% talk?
Did you remember how a whooping chunk of 29 billion dollars loan excluded key infrastructure in SE.
The truth is ” This was exactly the Change Igbos saw”
Due to hate and tribal bigotry most section of the country sideline them and use them as object of gossip or reconciliation. Now you want to protest
Remember the ever ready trigger happy arm forces you were cheering when they shoot at will , killing unarmed protesters?
It’s time you taste the soup you cooked.
Enjoy your protest
Igbos have decided to take their future into their hands by demanding for referendum
Happy protesting, I hope army are warming for training
George N. U. writes from Lagos