He Fake Married His Sister to Get USA VISA. Now He Can’t Marry Properly
Important Advice Needed – Mature Readers, Especially Those Based In The US
Need help (Please don’t judge me.)
Indian bro here. I had a good life when I was a teenager until I lost my parents in a car accident. I had to take care of my sister after that. It wasn’t difficult because our parents left us a good fortune (not huge) and we had the support of family as well. In 2014, after finishing my master’s, I decided to get a PhD in economics. I was admitted to an HRM (not holy zipcode, though) and was over the moon. My sister just finished her undergrad at that time and didn’t know what to do with her life. This is where it gets a little weird: Through the suggestion of an elderly relative, we faked married (we pretended we are cousins, which is fine in India) and she came to US with me with an F2 visa. (we sleep in separate beds. no weird stuff.) Since we got here, she’s been trying to enroll to a graduate program but to no avail.

Now, here’s the problem. I met a very beautiful white girl in my second year, and we’ve been dating. It’s been a dream. However, she’s a little older than me (36). She knows about my situation and is very understanding. But because of her age, she wants to get married soon and have a baby. (her family is conservative and doesn’t want her to have kids out of wedlock. Their daughter having a brown bf is hard enough for them. So I want to divorce my sister but then she will be deported to India, and she doesn’t have anyone there. These circumstances are really bothering me. I really don’t what to do. I know I’m to blame because of my dishonesty (marrying my sister) but I did it only to help family. Any help would be greatly appreciated.