A landlady, Mrs Idayat Aderibigbe has suffered broken leg after her tenant, Obidi Ibeagha attacked her and pushed her down for demanding 20 months rent arrears he was owing her in Lagos.
The tenant, Ibeagha has since been arrested and charged before a Lagos court for allegedly assaulting from where he was remanded in prison custody.
The incident happened on 13 January 2017 at Cele Bus-stop in Egbe Ikotun, suburbs of Lagos where the suspect reside with his family.
The Oba, Anambra State-born tenant has been unable to pay the rent arrears due to the economic situation before the landlord died last year.
44-year old Ibeagha, said to have became angry and attacked the landlady for asking from him the rent he owed the woman’s late husband.
He reportedly pushed her and she fell down and got injured and broke one of her legs.
P.M.EXPRESS gathered after the landlord died last year, Ibeagha had hoped that he will not pay the rent arrears since the person who rented out the three bedroom apartment to him had died.
He, however became angry when the victim started demanding for the rent from him, he first told her that he wanted to park out from the apartment to a smaller apartment and as such he would not pay the arrears because she was not his landlord at that period he was owing.
When the landlady insisted that he will pay the arrears before he will be allowed to move out, he reportedly attacked her.
The victim was rushed to a hospital and the matter was reported to the police at Ikotun division who arrested Ibeagha.
He was taken to court where he was charged with assault and occasional harm under the Criminal code.
He pleaded not guilty.
At the Magistrate’s court sitting in Ejigbo, the presiding Magistrate, Mr A.A. Fashola granted him bail in the sum of N50,000 with two sureties in like sum.
Ibeagha was remanded in prison custody pending when he will perfect his bail condition.
The matter was adjourned till 15 February 2017.