Nnamdi Kanu: Buhari’s Lack of Wisdom and the Futility of Endless Trial…
By: S. K. George
Pride makes a fool continue in his foolishness. The truth is that Nnamdi kanu was a trap set for this government and they foolishly fell into the trap. Their pan was to expose all these to the whole world hence he termed Nigerian a Zoo and events in Nigeria has proved him right. As we can see events unfolding, it is obvious that this Kanu was ready to sacrifice his life for this course.
Its good to look beyond mere sentiments or emotions. The sponsors of this project are not joking. they have asked for the greatest price. At the end, the government may plead with restructuring. That’s would be a defensive position. I must tell you, these guys are very intelligent. They have set a game: its either you restructure or the country breaks up. One of these must be done at the very end of the game.
The international community may becomes part of it at some point when it becomes impossible to achieve locally. The current Biafran project was intelligently set up. Are you aware that by making your comment on Biafra whether for or against it you are promoting the project? Nnamdi Kanu have succeeded with the aid of buhari to bring back the biafran consciousness like femi Aribasala said in one of his articles, the biafran consciousness is back and greater than it was before the civil war.
Are you aware that any court case on the trial of these guys,the project is promoted? They have designed a condition that would make the whole world watch the debate and drama. Are you aware issues like these must conform to certain international conventions? Some of us think its just about the normal Nigerian way of doing things. No. This is about the rights of a people. You don’t treat it with kid gloves.
Some of us in this forum do not understand this Biafran struggle. My brother, these guys have a resolve that is stronger than all these criticisms or persecution.
Unless by God’s divine wisdom and intervention, this project cannot be defeated. with the way things are going, biafra may become a reality within the next ten years,like A wiseman once said,”Slow and steady wins the race”. Already a campaign of no election in biafra land will kick off soon before the electioneering period which for me, judging by the success of the stay at home campaign and the very poor outing at the last council election in Abia state where people were mocking inec officials, just imagine what it would look like if the whole of biafra land do not vote in the coming elections?
It will send a strong signal to the international community which will be a bargaining tool for biafrans at the UN and other diplomatic engagements
The Nigeria government will have no choice than to want to appease the igbos because a successful no vote campaign in biafraaland means a total rejection of Nigeria
Worst of such will be igbo/biafran politicians because it will put them on their toes and they may have no choice than to add their voice for the campaign for biafra
The government has no genuine case against them? Its very clear IPOB cant be intimidated either. Right now the government has found itself in a fix, they are in that trap set by IPOB. If you let Kanu go free, IPOB will be more motivated and even more confident to do their work this time which will be more diplomatic lobby and you keep holding Kanu, Buhari will keep making a fool of himself and his government.
Right now Kanu has been made a celeb, a hero and a force to recon with. once he is released, other diplomatic mission round the would be ready and willing to listen or work with him. World Igbo congress which is Igbos most powerful diplomatic tool round the world just like the jewish congress may not support biafra
lets i forget,initially it was Amnesty international investigating, Now United nations now wants to investigate the southern Kaduna killings, Next wil be ICC. The Agatu killings is still in the record,the Shiite killings by the army on orders of buhari, elrufai and buratai is also on record, the IPOB killings is on record also, the herdsmen’s brutality at different times and places are in the records, and government’s blind eye attitude and protection of the fulani is being recorded, Buhari’s nepotism and insincerity in Uniting the country is also been noted. We may feel the world is not seeing, but they are. when the chips are down, the summation of all these events will justify the need for self determination for the oppressed groups in the country and friendly countries with concise begin to give diplomatic support to the oppressed groups especially highly religious and conservative countries in Europe.
finally, when the anger of God of justice will visit not just Nigeria but Buhari and his murderous gang the oppressed will be smiling.
George writes from Lagos