Nnamdi Kanu Will be Released, Says Popular Prophet
Prophet Anthony Nwoko has claimed that the reason Igbos face a lot of tribulation in Nigeria is due to their God-given talent claiming that others are jealous of Igbos. He also said that the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu will be released this year.
Vanguard reports that the popular religious leader made this comment as part of his New Year prophetic message on Tuesday, January 10.
He said that light and darkness cannot work together which is why Igbos will have to go away from Nigeria.
“There is hatred and jealousy for Ndigbo because of their God given talent.”
He called on Igbos to develop Igboland“as the South-West and North know that you have a great mission and role to play and the world is waiting for you to take up the glory and bring salvation to the world.”
Nwoko noted that President Muhammadu Buhari;s administration was full of evil.
“So many abominable things are happening in Nigeria since President Buhari took over power.”
He claimed the president was using the military and herdsmen to “kill people from the north-to-east and from east-to-west; everywhere is full of blood and God is not happy.”
Earlier, the fiery prophet claimed he foresees the coming of Biafra and that ENugu will be the capital.
He said:“This is a return of the Igbo glory; God will lift the Igbo nation; it is a year all the detained pro-Biafra agitators will be released.
“Enugu will be the city to watch as God’s glory will rise from there and extend to all other States in Igboland.
“I will lead the spiritual cleansing because there is hatred on Ndigbo, jealousy because of their glory. The wicked have planted evil in Igbo land but this is the time to uproot it.
“The enemies have done so much to make sure that Nbdigbo do not progress, that they will hate themselves.
“I prophesy that this is a year of liberation; a year of Biafra struggle; let Igbos wake up. The spirit is appealing to Nnamdi Kanu and others suffering in detention to be patient. God will bring all of them out this year.
“Ndigbo should take up former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s advice seriously. They should heed his advice and start developing this place. The world is waiting for Ndigbo,”.