OMG!!! Nurse Drinks Rat Poison, Attempts Suicide After Seeing these… (Photos)
A nurse was rushed to hospital after she attempted to commit suicide over her husband’s WhatsApp profile picture with a
Cleodine Chadambura from Zimbabwe is reported to have downed rat poison and threatened to throw herself in front of oncoming vehicles after her husband Timothy Chinembiri failed to explain why he put his photograph with his lover identified as Pamela on his WhatsApp profile picture.
H-Metro reports: Chinembiri, a parachute regiment member of ZNA is reported to have celebrated his team CAPS United’s win in Gweru with Pamela by having ‘Kodak moments’ in their CAPS attire and displayed the photographs on their
WhatsApp profile, revealed our source.
“Timothy went to watch CAPS United versus Chapungu in Gweru with Pamela and the latter celebrated the win by
having sex with several men,” said the source.

Chinembiri Kissing Pamela
“Timothy was the last to have sex with Pamela popularly known as Moreblessing and only
God knows where they slept that day.
Other supporters refused to board the hired bus with the two fearing mishaps on the way because of their promiscuity, anofarisa mukadzi iyeye zvekubvisa bhurugwa pane varume,” added the source.
Timothy confirmed his illicit affair with Pamela and posting his photograph on his WhatsApp profile picture saying it nearly killed his wife, Cleodine. “Mmmmm mudhra nyaya iyoyo itomboimirai zvenyu; my wife nearly died after she downed rat
poison over the photographs, muripi ndiuye kuzokuudzai zvizere,” said hubby.
Cleodine confirmed the incident saying she was admitted at the hospital during the night.
“I did not down the rat poison but I only
threatened to commit suicide on the road since I was disturbed by what my husband did,” said Cleodine.
“On admission at
Parirenyatwa, I escaped during the night since I was faking and I slept in Harare Gardens, BP yanga yakwira and I was confused.
“Timothy spent money
meant for the preparation for our coming baby with Pamela in Gweru and what disturbed me much was to hear that this lady celebrated her team’s victory by having sex with several men including my husband.
“Hanzi anoshandisa ropa rekumwedzi kudyisa varume vaanorara navo so I am still disturbed by
that and to prove this true my husband is no longer coming home and the lady is bragging that she has won my husband’s heart for good.
Contacted for comment Pamela could neither confirm nor deny the allegations saying she does not talk to strangers.
“Sorry I do not talk to
strangers,” she said.