Firstly, my names are Kings JV Chibuzor, I am a Biafran activist who is agitating for the freedom of the oppressed people of Biafra from Nigeria where tyrannous Hitlers have taken over mantle of leadership in a bid to frustrate the rules of law. Sir, it’s my unabated pleasure to congratulate you on your undisputed efforts in ensuring the termination of terrorism and imposing a secured world for mankind. Your admissible efforts in securing the world and more especially the Christians from the radical Islams and also Islamic terrorists is acquiesced and endorsed by Biafrans. We the indigenous people of Biafra under the leadership of NNAMDI KANU, want to thank you for that and also say we stand with you.

Mr. President, my aim of writing this letter is to alert you on the ongoing genocide being committed by President Muhammadu Buhari against the people of Biafra in Nigeria. Sir, President Muhammadu Buhari have been committing crimes against humanity since he came into power, over four thousands Biafrans have been massacred by the Nigerian military as ordered by the President Muhammadu Buhari. Few days back Amnesty International released a report of human right abuses, torture, false disappearance and massacre of unarmed Biafran protesters by Nigerian Military. These are unarmed people who are exercising their inalienable right for self determination which is under United Nations law of every indigenous people which same Nigeria is signatory to. Here is the link to the Amnesty report I want to also bring it to your notice that the only difference between the Nigerian military and Boko Haram terrorists is the name tagged to it. The Nigerian military have turned the peaceful Eastern region of Nigeria to a war zone, molesting ,torturing , king and using dangerous chemicals on unarmed innocent Biafrans, The aim of the Buhari’s administration is to make sure he completes the annihilation of 1987 Biafra-Nigeria civil war, were over 3.5million BIAFRANS mostly children were massacred.
Whatever, justification exists for exercising influence in matters of conscience lies in serving the well-being of humankind. So, selling Russian war planes or any Russian sophisticated weapon to the Nigerian government is same as sponsoring the genocidal act against innocent civilians who are being massacred by the Nigerian military for seeking for self determination. Every day that passes, danger grows that the rising fires of Nigerian military prejudice against the people of Biafra; will ignite a worldwide conflagration, the consequences which are unthinkable. Such a danger should be prevented and also should be unaided by the Russian government in order to ensure a secure and safer world for the betterment of mankind. Sir, I hope I have made sense of argument on why Russia shouldn’t participate in any form Arms deal negotiations with the Nigeria government.
#StopBiafraKillings #FreeNnamdiKanu
God bless Russia and the Indigenous people of Biafra.