“The Day I Almost Died After Checking My Girlfriend’s Phone”
After my crazy Prostitute experience and post, a friend and a reader of my blog decided to share his crazy story with me! Lalasticlala, please help review in case it is front page worthy.
Mind you, this is a true life story!
Are you with me? Sit tight!
Back in the days, I used to ask myself. Why do I always feel this evil urge to snoop on my partner’s phone? Well, this story I am about to share will tell you why it is never ever good to want to check your partner’s phone and how what I saw almost gave me a heart attack.
The reasons for me wanting to spy on my partner are not far-fetched. They are the backdrop of these two probing questions.
1. Why was she always laughing heartily when chatting?
2. Why was she uncomfortable when I tried to touch her phone?
I learnt my lesson the bitter way during my NYSC days and trust me I would never try it again.
I was posted to a school in a village somewhere in the Southwest as a teacher, and I decided to settle in after trying countless times to redeploy to PortHarcourt to no avail.
On my way to report at my place of primary assignment (PPA) as ‘they’ call it, I met two other female Corp members in the bus headed same way.
Ada and Cynthia (not real names) were very beautiful girls, but based on my ‘convo’ with the two of them, Ada seemed more exposed and mature than Cynthia.
I therefore resorted to choosing Cynthia as my target for NYSC relationship since she appeared the easier ‘catch’ based on my analysis. After all, NYSC is National year of Sex and Cohabitation.
After settling down in Corpers’ lodge provided by the school, I tried my best to get close to Cynthia but she always seemed not to be interested in me. I got my lucky break a month later when both Cynthia and Ada had a serious misunderstanding.
We became close and I told her my intentions.
Cynthia ‘claimed’ to be a church worker/evangelist in nearby Lagos and continued with her church activities in school and the village. I once saw Cynthia counselling female students on premarital sex and keeping boyfriends at such age.
Cynthia refused my sexual advances due to her ‘seeming’ religious beliefs, although she was not a virgin. She claimed to be born again and in my mind I was like
E be like say I don find wife oh!
Cynthia would tell me stories about the numerous guys toasting and disturbing her and the fool that I was, we would laugh over it, not knowing ‘she and I were both laughing at my foolishness’
As Konji was taking a hold of me, I began to look for alternatives, but the fear of Cynthia made most of my targets say No.
Thinking to myself, I would say:
Nawa o, babe dey help chop my 19,800 allawi plus 25000 my uncle sends me and yet no show.
Cynthia would travel down to Lagos every two weeks for church activities, and share me stories of the crusade service and I would say to myself,
This geh really loves me sha, well, I love her too.
Cynthia usually makes use of my Laptop to chat on Facebook. There was this particular occasion when one of her so called toasters once sent her a nude pic, and she screamed to me;
‘Boo, can you see this arrant nonsense’?
Such a wonderful and faithful girlfriend! I would say!
Our corper love wantintin continued until one Friday, I was alone and bored in the lodge, just staring at the ceiling doing nothing.
Cynthia had gone to Lagos as usual for her crusades and other corp members had gone for celebration at a nearby village. I brought out my laptop, connected my modem and began to surf the internet.
After surfing for about an hour, I decided to check Facebook.
As I opened the Facebook page, Cynthia’s ID stared at me in the face.
I remembered it was her account that was last logged in. At that moment, the evil thought of checking her Facebook chats occurred to me.
You know, when you use another person’s device to log into your Facebook account, you will untick the remember me text box so that no one will be able to check your account when you are gone.
I was in this process trying to figure out what her password would be when I remembered that earlier that week I had helped Cynthia register for a job advert using a username and password she wrote at the back of my Jotter.
I quickly searched for that jotter, found it and tried the same password and Hooray! I was in her account.
I began to check her chats with her so called toasters/disturbers.
In her chat with Felix (not real name), he was making some crazy sexual requests (that blew my brains out), which my born again Cynthia obliged.
They chatted about their last escapade how he enjoyed her so much.
You need to see as drops upon drops of sweat cascaded down my face as if I just finished having my bath without drying the water off my body!
Wallahi, that water could fill a glass cup of drink. It was crazy, I was shocked!
So the so called church programs she went for was all a lie, I opened my mouth in disbelief.
I found two other chats with some other guys she was sleeping with.
Have you ever felt heartbroken before? The beats of your heart? Like you wanted to floor to open and swallow you up?
Mine was more. I was perspiring, heavy breaths oh! It wasn’t a small something.
I could not eat for 2 days till I fell ill. I practically kicked myself so hard. I was so naive and stupid.
I felt like I wanted to die!
I learnt my lesson that day, Never ever snoop on your partner because what you may find can lead to heart attack.
Biko, if you know you cannot deal with the worst! Don’t ever snoop on your partner’s phone oh!
You want to know what I did to Cynthia when she returned?
Hehe! Funny readers, I’d leave that for another day! Abeg! I cannot share it here, maybe when you come check Deedeesblog, I can decide to share! LOL!
I am very sure a lot of you guys can relate to this! Have you ever snooped on your partner’s chats before? Did you see the unbelievable, as for me, na only God go allow me trust woman again as I almost had a heart attack.
Feel free to share your experiences!