Zahra: Buhari Shocks Indimi (Photos)
The wedding ceremony of Zahra, daughter of
Nigeria’s president Buhari to son of billionaire
businessman, Mohammed Indimi, scheduled for
December 2, 2016, has been put on hold
The postponement,
was on the insistence of President Muhammadu
Buhari, who, according to a source close to the
two families, was uncomfortable with the
attention his daughter’s wedding has received in
the media, particularly with news of customised
wedding boxes as gifts to Zahra costing a
whopping N44m.
An introduction ceremony between both families
had earlier held at the Aso Villa, Abuja on Friday,
November 18, but the wedding programme itself
scheduled between Wednesday 30th November
and Sunday 4th December, 2016, is supposed to
be on a low-key celebration as the President
desires it to be a simple and an intimate
ceremony to be attended by only close family
and friends.
“But the whole media attention has changed
everything now and the President is not happy,”
our source said.
Aside that, it was also gathered that the
President who has ordered that a security check
be conducted on Ahmed and his source of
stupendous wealth, is also not comfortable with
the groom’s father, Alhaji Mohammed Indimi’s
perceived closeness to ex-President Ibrahim
Badamosi Babangida, IBB.
Former President Ibrahim Babangida is believed
to be a long time godfather of billionaire
Mohammed Indimi, more so the former President
was against the emergence of Buhari in 2015.
Our source further said President Buhari who
had such information at his disposal before
consenting to the marriage may have been
prevailed upon by his closest political allies to
have a rethink on giving out his daughter to the
Zahra, the 21-year-old daughter of President
Muhammadu Buhari has been in the news
recently following circulation on the social media
of images of her expensive wedding gifts.
She is reported to have received about 30
customized LV (Louis Vuitton) boxes from the
family of her husband-to-be, Ahmed Indimi.
The LV boxes have Zahra’s name customized as
ZBI (Zara Buhari Indimi).
The LV bags which total about 30 and allegedly
cost about £120, 000 (approximately
N47,144,502, using the official rate of N392.87 to
a pound) are said to have been delivered to
Zahra in 30 exotic cars, according to reports.
In Northern Nigeria tradition, the groom’s family
is expected to buy the boxes known as “kayan
lefe” for the bride.
The boxes are usually loaded with diamond and
gold jewelry, designer shoes, bags, super wax,
laces, perfumes, designer underwear, cosmetics,
jeans, tops and more.
The man can do from 1 to 50 boxes as a show
of how rich and capable he is.
It is however “very unlikely that President Buhari
may give his go ahead for the wedding in the
near future,”