From a reader:
Toh, i don’t even know how to begin the story. Anyways, let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Gofwane, first born with four siblings of which three are females one male.
So after i lost my mum at the age of 13, our grandparents decided to take us to stay with them cos they know my dad will not be able to raise us properly.Â
For those that followed my other stories, i believe you will have a clue of the type of person i am. I am a very stubborn and fearless guy that is always ready for new adventures.
At the age of 13, i have started drinking alcohol with guys that were twice my age. One thing that endeared me to them is my fearlessness. I used to follow them when they go smoking but i never participated in the act because they wouldn’t allow me.
But at the age of 16 or there about, i hooked up with some guys that were within the same range of age with me. Like me, they were all eager to explore life in what ever way possible. Most of them had dropped out of school and were learning a handwork. From mechanic, to vulcaniser, bus conductor and ordinary Street thugs. Of about the 10 of us, only 3 of us were still in school.
So one day during school holidays, one managed to convince a weed seller to sell to him as they’ve refused to sell to us in the past because we were under aged. So this guy set out to look for any of our gang members he could find. His name was sule. I was the first person he located. I was at home washing my grandfather’s car.
Sule: oboyyeh, come and see what i have with me.
Me: (moving closer to have a look) na weed be dis?
Sule: yes nah
Me:Â Â finally our prayer has been answered
Sule: Abeg do fast, fast make we go look for mezie.
And so very quickly i washed the car and we set out together. If only we knew what the devil was cooking for us
our way to mezie’s house, we met Austin and Peter and they joined us. We met mezie alone at home Watching movie. We showed him the surprise package and he was soooooo excited than the rest of us.
We decided to go to a primary school sine schools were on holidays, but mezie was against the idea
Mezie: Abeg no need for us to stress ourselves like that. Let’s go to my backyard there is a farm there which we can conveniently sit and enjoy ourselves. I do go there sometimes to smoke cigarette.
And so, we all agreed to go there. On getting there, we all sat on the ground ready to roll.
Sule: so na who sabi how to roll this thing?
But none of us knew how to roll.
Sule: since nobody know how to roll, everybody should serve himself
He brought out the weed which was in a ‘pure water’ nylon. But there was a problem, no Ritzla!! Mezie quickly ran inside the house and came back with his little brother’s drawing book. So everyone dipped their hands inside the nylon and fetch what they think will satisfy them and tried to roll it the best way we can.
But we all noticed that mezie fetched almost twice of what the rest of us fetched.
Me: guy, why you greedy like this?Â
Mezie: wetin consine you? Shebi na serve yourself
Peter: are you sure you can finish this thing wey you fetch?
Austin: Abeg make una free the guy Jhoor
And so everyone focused on the task ahead. We all light our weed and begin to smoke in silence.
Mezie: oboy, na so the thing be self I no dey feel any high at all.
Sule: wait for some minutes first.
But mezie just keep inhaling it more deeply to the extent that his own weed that was bigger than ours finished first. The mofo waisted no time in rolling another one.
By this time, i have begun to feel the effect of the weed. I turned to look at sule to see how he is doing. Oboyye, his eyes were red like fire to the extent i burst out laughingÂ
Sule: why you dey laugh?
Me: (trying hard to stop laughing but couldn’t) your eyes are red like tomatoesÂ
Sule: na him make you dey laugh? If you don’t know, your own eyes look like winch wey just finish to suckk blood.
On hearing that, Austin and Peter burst out laughing Â
 . And that was how we kept looking at each others eyes and continue laughing except mezie. We were trying hard to stop laughing but we couldn’t.
Mezie: (still smoking his second joint) this boys, una don dey craze wallahi. Na so una brain light
But for where, non of us stopped laughing
Mezie: (maintaining his serious look cos nothing seems funny to him) we ibos have a very strong brain.
But as he opened his mouth to say something, his mouth froze open. You could easily see that he was struggling to close his mouth. To Make matters worse, he began to nod his head as if someone was using sledge hammer to hit his head.
On noticing what was happening to him, we suddenly stopped laughing  this is not funny
Mezie: (using his last energy he finally closed his mouth and scream at the top of his voice) run! I said, make una run o. They are coming!!!
With that, mezie bolted away with the speed of light. Seeing him run like that, we also did the same thing and ran into mezie house. On getting inside, we saw him cleaning his nakedd body with a towel.
Me: why did you removed your clothes and why are you drying yourself with towel?
Mezie: just before we run from that place, I saw devil at a distance. He was waving to me then suddenly blood begin to rain from the sky thats why I am drying myself with towel.
On hearing that, we all burst out laughing very hard. With that, i saw myself walking home without slippers on my legs. I got home and fortunately for me there was nobody at home to see the way i came back. I went straight to my room and slept without knowledge of how my other friends were.
Unfortunately, the next day, i got to know that mezie was admitted to a psychiatric ward. The gist was that his mum came back from the market and found him nakedd behaving strangely. But there was no mention of our names
The main aim of this story is to pass across a message so that the innocent ones will not find their selves in such a mess.
It might seem like a funny read and kind of enticing to the stubborn ones like i was back then but I’m telling you it’s no joke. This is R
Like play, like play, that was how mezie lost his sanity. At times he behaved normal and just when you are beginning to think that he is finally ok, he will suddenly drift back again.
At a point, he became very violent attacking his mother and lil brothers. The mum could not raise enough money to pay for his treatment cos she was just working as restaurants girl and so they never completed the treatment.
He was eventually Shipped back to their home town in Abia