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Pastor and Church Members Publicly Destroy Bibles, Claiming Inaccuracies

A pastor and his church members gathered to destroy their Bibles.

The pastor and his members felt misled by the Bible and decided to destroy it as a form of protest ignorantly.

The pastor claimed the Bible had deceived them for over 400 years now. He questioned the Bible’s authenticity, saying some parts are missing and incorrect, siting some examples.

He made several misleading claims: that some Bible portions are missing, that the Bible’s portrayal of God is untrue, and that the Bible contains bad things despite being called “holy.”

Additionally, the pastor criticized the Bible’s origins, specifically King James’ involvement.
He viewed King James as a slave trader and disagreed with his role in translating the Bible.

However, the pastor’s arguments and that of his church members, were based on misinformation and a lack of understanding.

This incident serves as a warning: we must be cautious about the churches we attend, the messages we hear and the pastors we follow. Misguided leaders can alter our perceptions of life and God, leading us astray.

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