By: a Concerned Nigeria
Every keen Social Media user of Nigerian extraction will by now be familiar with the name; Simon Ekpa, a Nigerian born, Finnish ex-soldier and current politician in Lahti Finland. He is by his own confession, a self styled Prime Minister. He certainly was planning to cause diplomatic confusion for the poor West African country of Nigeria in his rightly or wrongly quest to announce a Biafran Republic Goverment In Exile on the 2nd of December 2024. For this he has assumed the title “Prime Minister”…omo things dey happen oooo. Even prophet MNK never gave himself an elective position..opting instead to call himself supreme leader. Was Asiwaju scared stiff due to the name “Prime Minister?” We all know he is sacred of another person answering or formenting trouble that might lead to his loosing the title “President”.
For Ekpa, Was this intended to be a content creation? A lot of people don’t like his person, or the controversies surrounding his alleged membersihip of a group proscribed in Nigeria, but legit in virtually all Developed parts of the world. I don’t give a s*it about Ekpa, other than I think, like so many ethnic Igbos as me, that he is a tool via his infamous “Auto-pilot” content, used by those seeking to destabilized our peaceful South East. For this, I certainly loathes him….but should I place personal prejudices against a self styled Prime minister of BRGIE, in the face of what we know to be “Hand of Esau, but Voice of Jacob? H*ll no! Institutions are not built by personal feelings but by what the extant laws says!
The European Union laws on Human right will be tested to its extremes…because sovereigns outlive strong men, person and all.
Before I delve further, these are what we found out:
1. The Finnish authorities are actually UNSURE as to what to charge Ekpa with. By Charging him, they don’t want to make a fool of themselves in their own courts……like what you see in 3rd rate countries. Failure to prove their case in court could expose the govt into paying hefty reparation for wrongful incarceration. They initially wanted to charge him for links to a terrorist group….possibly misled by their Nigerian counterparts, but quickly seeing that the name they (Nigerian counterparts) dropped is no where raising a RED FLAG in European Union, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Austrialia or even in less traditional democracies like Japan, Hong Kong etc. Infact by now they will have realized the so called terrorist group is a registered entity in UK.
2. Finland is a Freedom fighting highly developed part of the Northern hemisphere, they certainly wont want to spoil their hard won democracy and civil liberties because of one far flung sovereign that refused to outgrown its legendary foolishness. I still recall theexploits of a WW2 legen called Simo Häyhä. Simo is glorified in Finland as a national hero who saved Finland by killing cheeky Russia invaders during the Ruso-Finnish winter war of 1939-1940. He has 505 confirmed kills to his name, making him the deadliest sniper in the world! Earning him the nickname; “White Death” by the Russians.
3. The Finnish authorities now understand the main thing; somewhere in the exclusive preseve of the Brits, some people wants to secede from British Lebensraum. knowingly or unknowingly, the short engine have re-ignit the “Biafra Story” A story which is hitherto meant to be kept secret, because it was one of the few episodes where the bipolar world kept their differences apart and fought a tiny Dot nation of ragtag but highly brave black Africans for almost three years. Till date, a lot of these developed world are still ashamed regarding the role they played militarily, diplomatically, politically and otherwise. Nigeria on its own part never recovered ever since, because it has been from one coup to another, culminating to when democracy happened…giving rise to one idiot after another. The latest been a shady asset of a foreign Intelligience agency…even though he was, might still be a drug mule.
4. The Finnish authorities might since realized that they might unwittingly be used as pawns to settle what ordinariry should be a dpmestic issue, solved by a Sovereign National conference or a simple referendum! Or the granting of limited Autonomy like the Basque region in Spain, and other restive parts of Europe.
5. This is the first time, the Finnish authorities will arrest a citizen and had to be given a deadlineby the court to bring charges against him or let him be, otherwise it might be misconstrued as infringement of his rights. Developed parts of the world are known to arrest only once a foolproof evidence has been dropped!
6. As a result of cooperations between two democracies (sic) Ekpa was arrested and now, the required evidence I not forth coming fromt the other democracy…yes Nigeria with an active CIA asset with a drug dealing, according to an Investigative journalist; David Hundeyin, is also a democracy. No be so Kunle?. If mere Social media postings that may or may not be misconstrued as incitement, depending on whose side you look from, then 80% of all immigrants of Muslims origion living in Finland qualifies as terrorist due to the posts they make in support of either Isis, Alqeada, ISwap, boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah or even Isreal…yes…people see Israel as a terrorist state too. I certainly don’t!
Now that the self styled PM has been gagged….what next for the poor West African country?
It appears Ekpa is having the upper hand, because I have never read anywhere where a powerful Nation will arrest first, for a serious crime of ties to terrorists, and yet they couldn’t land a connection other than been a nuisance on social media. To some, Ekpa is a clown 🤡, he’s not to me, but certainly looks more like ndi eri eri… Well, he hasn’t proved me wrong since a claim came out that he’s currently pinning his Social media Primo minister as content! Me thinks he’s an agent of Nigeria Deep State. Na dem dem….let them settle and leave us Biko.
Diplomatically, I don’t think the present Nigerian govt has the required credibility, international goodwill and integrity needed to take on a powerful Nation currently squaring off with Russia’s expansionist tendency up North of Europe…. especially one that have lots of civil liberties enshrined on its Constitution for the past 200 years.
As I am not actually a good betting man, I think Nigeria has lost its case against Ekpa even before it started, due to what I will call ‘Recircled’ foolishness. Two examples will clearly illustrate it more clearly:
1. A wanted man, who was escalated up to Interpol levels, actually walking up to be arrested, but let off the hook. Yet again, handing himself over, but turning into a crowd controller in a Court he should be in handcuffs if egbon Olukayode was to be taken seriously. You see, you guys don’t know when you show that you are the current recircled jester in power!
2. The illegally renditioned prophet of the Torah, MNK. With the resources deployed into illegally extracting him from Kenya, by now MNK should have a conviction on his head…but damn, which of your laws convict him? You that have prophet MNK since ninety kpirigidim, and have not convicted him, even though he’s asking for what the content creator, the self styled PM is also asking for! Yet, you want Finland to convict the short engine…. Na so you don upgrade your mumu?