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Nigeria To Widen Tax Net Over Revenue Shortfall

The federal government is making plans to bring more eligible individuals and entities into the tax net to increase its revenues and meet obligations to the citizens. It aims to actualise this objective through a project named, “Tax Identification Consolidation and Collaboration (TICC).”

The project will widen the tax net and the tax base in line with the newly proposed Economic Stabilisation Bills (ESB) set to be sent to the National Assembly. The initiative is part of the 15 bills set for amendment as approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC) on Monday, Taiwo Oyedele, chairman of the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee, said on his X handle.

“Part of the plan is the introduction of ‘Tax Identification Consolidation and Collaboration (TICC)’ initiative to expand the tax base, widen the tax net, and create a level playing field for businesses,” he noted.

The government is also planning to collaborate with state governments to suspend certain taxes on small businesses and vulnerable population to give them a breath of fresh air.

The federal government intends to woo states to eliminate taxes such as road haulage levies and other charges on transportation of goods; business premises registration; animal trade and produce sales tax; bicycle, truck, canoe, wheelbarrow, and cart fees; shops, kiosks and market taxes and levies.

“The ESB seeks to amend about 15 different tax, fiscal, and establishment laws to facilitate economic stability and set the country on the path for sustained inclusive growth,” Oyedele said. Other objectives contained in the proposed bills include changes designed to achieve inflation reduction and price stability.

The proposed bills are also expected to promote fiscal discipline and consolidation, enhance job creation and poverty alleviation, as well as serve as catalyst for export promotion and diversification. The key changes to be made to the various laws include amendments to the income tax laws to facilitate employment opportunities for Nigerians in Nigeria within the global value chain, including the digital economy.

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