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Hotel Staff Rush Into Room After Hearing Screams To Find A Naked Woman Tied Up

A man’s alleged plot to use a woman for rituals was disrupted after the woman’s screams alerted staff to what was going on in a hotel in Wuse Zone 5, Abuja.

Hotel employees, who heard screams coming from one of the rooms, rushed in to find a woman completely naked and tied with cellotape.

Her hands and legs were tied together with a cellotape. The cellotape can also be seen around the woman’s neck.

The hotel staff are heard saying it was the woman’s scream that saved her.

They are heard scolding the woman for going with the man. They also scolded the man for trying to use the woman for “rituals”.

They ordered the man to cut the tapes he used to tie the woman’s leg together, while the woman used her dress to cover her naked body.

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