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Ngozi Okonjo Iweala Debunks Viral Whatsapp Message In Her Name

Director General of the World Trade Organisation, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has debunked the viral messages allegedly credited to her about being attacked after she met with President Bola Tinubu in Abuja on Tuesday.

A statement seen via her official Twitter handle reads: “It has just been brought to my attention that there is a false statement circulating on WhatsApp attributed to me saying that I am being attacked for my visit to President Tinubu. That statement circulating is false, in fact wickedly false designed to create mischief among Nigerians. Please disregard the statement.”

The false statement which was being shared widely on social media Wednesday claimed that she has been receiving “toxic calls and messages” after she met with President Bola Tinubu.

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