A sick German political hopeful has been filmed licking a urinal, a seated toilet and smearing human faeces all over his body.
Martin Neumaier was filmed taking part in what he described as a punishment, which showed him role-playing as murderous N*zi leader Adolf Hitler but using human poo as a moustache. The video was self-filmed, and allegedly done in a public toilet of a train station, and shows him basically making out with a silver urinal.
He then walks over to a cubical and does the same thing to the open-seated toilet – and we’re sorry to tell you this, but he then licks the clearly used toilet brush. It went viral, only for all traces of it to be removed from social media shortly afterwards.
However, in an even more disgusting update, a new image of the man emerged earlier today showing him covered head-to-toe in what appears to be his own poo . . . while naked.
And to make it so much more worse, there’s another video of him pleasuring himself with a intimacy gadget while singing the N*zi national anthem “Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles!”
The sick bloke is the Free Democratic Party’s candidate for the Ostalb district. Nobody has any idea how the footage was made public, and the bloke has yet to comment on what on Earth he was doing it for.
The Daily Star reached out (and apologised at the same time) to medical expert Dr Gareth Nye to find out how bad the impact of doing what the man has done is.
He said: “Toilets, especially public ones, are not something I would ever recommend someone licking. This goes even more for toilet brushes and other related tools. Good news for this person is they are extremely unlikely to pick up many STIs from this activity with viral based STIs not surviving more than a few seconds on a surface like a toilet seat.
“It wouldn’t be likely to die from doing this activity, but you are certainly going to be quite unwell and likely have some nasty GI problems like diarrhoea.”
And another medical expert, who didn’t want to be named given the grotesque nature of the story, told us: “Rubbing literal poo is going to give you a rash because it’s dry and irritant, which will be painful. It can put you at risk of developing candida which is a fungus bacteria and can be painful to treat.
A spokesman for the FDP said: “We have decided to end support for the candidate in question with immediate effect. In order to fully investigate the incident and impose appropriate sanctions, we have initiated party regulatory proceedings with the aim of expelling you from the party. We are committed to transparency as this investigation progresses and will provide regular updates on our progress.”