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APC Accuses Plateau Governor Of Coercing Lawmakers To Sign Post-Dated Letters

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has expressed concern over what it describes as ”the brazen illegality orchestrated by the Governor of Plateau State, His Excellency Caleb Muftwang, and the Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Gabriel Dewan,” regarding the inauguration of APC members of the House of Assembly.

According to the party, Governor Muftwang and Speaker Dewan have resorted to coercing and unlawfully compelling APC lawmakers to sign post-dated resignation letters as a precondition for their inauguration into the Plateau State House of Assembly.

Felix Morka, APC national publicity secretary, said in a statement that nine lawmakers succumbed to the coercion and signed the demanded post-dated resignation letters.

He added that seven members-elect who refused to submit to ]sign were denied inauguration by the Speaker.

They were subsequently inaugurated by the Speaker on April 5, 2024. However, seven members-elect who refused to comply with this illegal demand were denied inauguration by the Speaker.

The APC said: ”We condemn this brazen act of Governor Muftwang and Speaker as utterly outrageous, anti-democratic, illegal and a vile contempt of the binding judgement of the Court of Appeal that ordered the inauguration of all 16 APC members-elect as members of the House of Assembly.

”We wonder why Governor Muftwang and Speaker Dewan are unwilling and seemingly terrified to comply with a valid judgment of the Court of Appeal but would rather resort to illegal and underhand tactics to intimidate, blackmail and cajole members to sign post-dated resignation letters in violation of the laws of our land.

”The continued refusal of the Speaker to inaugurate the remaining seven APC members who have stoutly refused to submit to this illegality has become a clear and present threat to the peace and stability of Plateau state.

”Constituents of yet-to-be-inaugurated members are becoming increasingly restive and may resort to peacefully protesting the unlawful refusal to inaugurate their own elected representatives. This is avoidable and must be avoided. The good people of Plateau state deserve to live in peace and security.

”Governor Muftwang bears a solemn duty to govern fairly, maintaining peace and security, upholding the law, and doing justice to all, irrespective of political differences.

”We call on the Speaker to unconditionally swear in the remaining seven APC lawmakers without further delay in keeping with the Judgment of the Court of Appeal.”

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