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ASUU: We Are Preparing To Go On A Nationwide Strike

ASUU, the association of university lecturers in Nigeria, said the move to go on strike is to protest against the failure of the Nigerian government to appoint Governing Councils for Federal Universities.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has threatened to embark on a nationwide strike.

ASUU, the association of university lecturers in Nigeria, said the move to go on strike is to protest against the failure of the Nigerian government to appoint Governing Councils for Federal Universities.

At an ongoing briefing at the ASUU national secretariat in Abuja, ASUU President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, lamented the absence of governing councils in all federal universities in the country among other pending issues.

He also said President Bola Tinubu’s administration had been given enough time to meet the union’s demands.

Governing councils of the universities were dissolved by the government last May.

The union also lamented the 35 per cent salary increment for professors and the 25 per cent salary increment for other university academics, describing it as a wage award that could be suspended by the government at any time.

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