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Peter Obi's Easter Message To Christian Faithfuls

I join the global community of Christians, especially Christians in Nigeria, in celebrating Easter – the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This great occasion brings to an end the Christian Lenten season of fasting, prayers, and almsgiving and ushers us into the season of glory and victory over death. For us in Nigeria, this very significant celebration holds vital promises of victory over our present myriads of challenges and travails, if we do not despair.

Our dear nation has continued to stagger under the heavy weight of high insecurity, soaring hunger and poverty, ballooning debts, galloping inflation, and mindless corruption that have pervaded every part of our national life.

Just as Our Lord Jesus, who made very painful sacrifices for the salvation of the world, which today we celebrate His glorious resurrection, we all must continue to labour, in unity, for the good of our nation, knowing that our labours will not be in vain.

I, therefore, call on all Christians, in the spirit of Easter, to continue to pray for God’s intervention in our dear nation, so that even as we labour, as humans, for the sake of our nation, God will crown our efforts with success, and make the New Nigeria even more possible, beyond our human efforts. I wish everyone a very Happy Easter celebration. -PO

Anambra man of the year award
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