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Content Creator, Egungun Proposes To His Longtime Girlfriend

Popular content creator Kuye Adegoke, also known as Egungun of Lagos, leaves the lone street for his buddies to lovingly propose to his lover.

The content creator known for his unique style of reviewing the cost of outfits and properties is set to ring the wedding bell.

He captioned his photos, “It’s time to plan a wedding. Ring it on! @pashotah”.

In a video circulating on social media, Egungun of Lagos proposed to his fiancée in a romantic setting surrounded by colleagues and friends.

Nervous Egungun dropped down on one knee and forgot to ask,
‘Will you marry me?’
before putting the ring on her finger until a colleague encouraged him.

Netizens have since gushed over the engagement of the content creator while many questioned his choice despite his focus on curvy ladies in his videos.

Anambra man of the year award
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