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Pope Approves Blessings for Same-S*x Couples

Pope Francis officially sanctioned the blessing of same-s*x couples, as revealed by the Vatican on Monday, signaling a significant departure in policy. This move seeks to foster inclusivity within the church, all the while upholding its steadfast opposition to g*y marriage.

While hailed by some as a positive stride in dismantling discrimination within the Catholic Church, certain LGBTQ+ advocates cautioned that it may perpetuate the notion that g*y couples are deemed inferior to their heterosexual counterparts.

The Vatican’s doctrine office expounds on a letter sent by Francis to two conservative cardinals, initially published in October. In his preliminary response, the Pope suggested that such blessings could be permissible under specific circumstances, provided they are not misconstrued as a marriage ritual.

The new document repeats that condition and elaborates on it, reaffirming that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman. And it stresses that blessings in question must not be tied to any specific Catholic celebration or religious service and should not be conferred at the same time as a civil union ceremony. Moreover, the blessings cannot use set rituals or even involve the clothing and gestures that belong in a wedding.

The document marks the latest gesture of outreach from a pope who has made welcoming LGBTQ+ Catholics a hallmark of his papacy. From his 2013 quip, “Who am I to judge?” about a purportedly g*y priest, to his 2023 comment to The Associated Press that “Being homosexual is not a crime,” Francis has distinguished himself from all his predecessors with his message of welcome.

The significance of this news cannot be overstated,” said Francis DeBernardo of New Ways Ministry, which supports LGBTQ+ Catholics. “It is one thing to formally approve same-gender blessings, which he had already pastorally permitted, but to say that people should not be subjected to ‘an exhaustive moral analysis’ to receive God’s love and mercy is an even more significant step.”

The Rev. James Martin, who advocates for greater welcome for LGBTQ+ Catholics, praised the new document as a “huge step forward” and a “dramatic shift” from the Vatican’s 2021 policy.

The new document “recognizes the deep desire in many Catholic same-s*x couples for God’s presence and help in their committed relationships,” he said in an email. “Along with many Catholic priests, I will now be delighted to bless my friends in same-s*x marriages.”

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