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Hoodlums Attack Ogun Farm, Kidnap Three, Kill 20 Birds

In the Itele area of Ogun State, a poultry farm fell victim to an attack by no fewer than six suspected hoodlums, resulting in the abduction of three workers in Atoyo town.

The incident occurred around 5 pm on Saturday, with the perpetrators wielding assorted weapons, including rifles and other dangerous arms.

While the state police command reported the arrest of two individuals linked to the crime, the three kidnapped workers remained unrescued at the time of this report.

An unnamed source in the area, fearing reprisal, disclosed that the hoodlums initially kidnapped around five individuals, including the farm owner.

After executing the attack without hindrance, the hoodlums transported the six victims to a forest, confiscating their mobile phones. Subsequently, they released the farm owner and one other person a few hours later, retaining custody of the remaining three victims.

Confirming the attack to our correspondent via WhatsApp message on Monday, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Omolola Odutola, said the incident was being treated as a kidnapping case.

She noted that the two suspects believed to have taken part in the crime had been arrested and that efforts were ongoing to rescue other victims.

She added that the men of the command in the police division and local hunters had begun to comb the forest to arrest the suspects and rescue the victims.

She said, “There were five of them who were kidnapped at the farm, but two were later released. They were the ones who identified them as the suspects. The driver who came to take some eggs, one female worker, and one other were believed to be victims.

“The two victims who were released have identified the two suspects we arrested after our men, in collaboration with local hunters and other security agencies, combed the bush.”

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