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ECOWAS Court Orders Benin Govt To Pay Sunday Igboho, 20m CFA

The Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), convened in Abuja on Tuesday, issued a directive compelling the government of the Republic of Benin to compensate Yoruba nation activist Chief Sunday Adeyemo, widely known as Sunday Igboho, with a sum of 20 million CFA.

This compensation is attributed to the unlawful detention and infringement of his fundamental human rights.

In the unanimous judgment delivered by Justices Gberi-Bé Ouattara, Sengu M. Koroma, and Ricardo Claúdio Monteiro GONÇALVES, in the case identified as ECW/CCJ/APP/15/22 In Chief Sunday Adeyemo (aka Sunday Igboho) vs. Republic of Benin, the court additionally mandated the Francophone country to fulfill the payment of 20 million CFA to Adeyemo within three months.

Furthermore, the court required the Republic of Benin to provide evidence of the payment when reporting back.

Legal representation for the applicant (Adeyemo) comprises Tosing Ojaomo, Aderemilekun Omojola Esq., Dr Janet Fashakin Esq., and Irene Aclombessi, who represented the Republic of Benin in the proceedings.

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