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Arochukwu Community Details How Traditional Ruler Used Cultists To Machete PG To Death In Petition To Abia Govt


The Ibom Welfare Union, a group uniting all citizens of Ibom village in Arochukwu has forwarded a petition to Abia State Government, detailing how its traditional ruler, Kanu Okereke Nwa Kanu paid secret cultists to attack and kill their President General, Mazi Kingsley Kanu Okereke.


The group in its petition, which was cited by journalists, accused Nwa Kanu of high-handedness, corruption, murders and illegitimate sale of several community lands in his 26 years as Eze Ibom Isii.

They also accused the traditional, who plays a very important role in Arochukwu Kingdom of illegally coronating the wrong person as Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom, an act that led to his immediate suspension by the state government.


The petition also appealed to the government to investigate the ruler’s 26 years in the throne, which they described as ‘misrule’.


A part of the petition is reproduced below, and the full documents are also attached to this news report.


See below:


It is with humiity and a very deep sense of responsibility that we forward the attached letters: dates 31/12/2022 from Ibom Welfare Union, Ibom Village, Arochukwu and addressed to Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu Okereke. The letter speaks for itself.


This letter was copied to Abia State Council of Nde Eze, Abia State Government and Ministry of Local Goverment and Chieftaincy Affairs, among others. It is most unfortunate that no action has been taken or initiated on this letter up till now.


Ibom Village, Arochukwu, is made up of 4/four Kindred Groups, as follows: Ama Etiti, Ndi Ikwun, Ndi Owu and Okoni. All the four Kindred Groups in Ibom align themselves with the position of Ibom Welfare Union on this matter. Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu Okereke is Eze Ibom Isii and when Ibom Isii Kindred is in Council, he becomes Eze Ibom Isil, which is customary.


Kanu Nwe Kanu Okereke’s latest act of crowning someone as “EZE ARO” today, 0/10/2023, on behalf of Ibom Isii without due consultation and in contraventtion of Arochukwu customs and traditions, is part of his divide and rule attitude.


Kanu Nwa Kanu Okereke on 12/05/2023 sent his cult boys to attack the President General, Ibom Welfare Union and the Home Branch Chairman, Messrs Kingsley Kanu and Emmanuel C. Okoro, respectively.


Unfortunately, the President General, Kingsley Kanu Okereke died as a result of the serious injuries sustained during the attack. He is yet to be buried.


It might interest you to know that Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu Okereke is behind all the criminal activities in Arochukwu Kingdom. All the Cult Groups In Arochukwu Kingddom are his boys whom he uses to attack those opposed to his divide and rule tactics.


We humbly appeal to you, Sir, to institute a High Level Inquiry into the over 26 years of Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu Okereke misrule.


Meanwhile, in a separate petition dated December 31st,2022, Ibom Welfare Union had suspended Nwa Kanu, who is the Eze Ibom Isii, after enumerating several allegations of very serious consequences as its reasons for the suspension.


Below is the petition, which they forwarded to Eze Aro in Council, and the Abia State Government:





Ibom Village Hall, Ibom Village


31 December, 2022


Mazi Kanu Nwa Kanu


Former Eze Ibom Etiti/lbom Isii

Nde Achi Compound

Ibom village, Arochukwu.






Advent greetings in the precious name of ur LORD Jesus Christ.


You will recall that on Saturday morning, Umu Ibom after their meeting, led a peaceful delegation to orally notify you of our position and stand on the above subject matter, hence this write up.


It is with a deep sense of concern and tortuous pain that we write to communicate to you the collective decision of Umu Ibom to suspend you from office forthwith.


Our position is sequel to your disgraceful conduct and below average performance in the discharge of the duties appertaining to the office of Eze Ibom.


The grounds for your suspension which is drawn from the painstaking interrogations and submissions of a cross-section of our people include but are not limited to the following;


1. LACK OF LEADERSHIP CAPACITY- During the 26 years of your ascension to the throne, Ibom Village has become shadow of itself. Our village which used to be the envy of all has become a laughing stock.


2.DICTATORIAL LEADERSHIP Ibom village hitherto had been governed by consensus and democratic ethos but since you came on board your word has become law and final. You have become the proverbial EZE ONYEAGAWALAM who will neither listen to dissenting views nor tolerate constructive criticisms.



It is the custom of our people to have the heads of the different compounds appointed with the consent of its people but on the contrary you have handpicked such persons and issued certificates of office against the collective will of the people thereby breeding acrimony and division.


4. DIVIDE AND RULE ORDER, courtesy of your manipulative tendencies aimed at personad aggrandizement.




Highest bidder wins the case. Justice is now for sale. Hitherto both winner and loser forfeit their monies to you.

It is very unbelievable that you have been operating without constituted cabinet members.




Ekpe-Fraternity: History has it that Ibom village maintains two (2)Ogbo-Ekpe as follows:

Thus, Mazi Ugbo Ivuweze (Ndi Owu), Mazi Orji Akpuru ( Umunna-Inyamah (Ndi Owu) all of blessed memories were at one time or the other the Eze Ekpe Ibom.


Ogbo-Ekpe Okoni, Ndi Okoro Uvere, Ndi Eniama and other compounds which produce the Isuah- Ekpe.


Given the incontrovertible fact above, we understand that the oldest initiated member of the Ogbo- Ekpe Umunna- Imoh na Ndi Owu becomes the Eze -Ekpe Ibom. You made yourself Eze Ekpe Ibom which contravenes the laid down procedures and polices of Ekpe fraternity.


Furthermore, young ladies that looked at the Mgbala-Ekpe with bum shorts were made to bring ngwa- isii (fines), whereas your wife wore bum short with unkempt hair but she was not punished.




You have gone to compounds in Ibom to perform marital rites whereas such have never been part of your duties.




You have single-handedly toppled the tradition of sharing of cows gifted to Ibom. Rather than continue with the norm, you appropriate such gifts even as you recklessly burden Nde Ibom with all manners of levies.




You have been selling community land with impunity to enrich yourself against the laid down rules of involving the people. There is no effort to resolve compounds disputes as you enjoy divide and rule.




It is common knowledge that your wife traveled to Port Harcourt, slept with a man in violation of Ndi- ichie Aro. When your wife was exposed, you demanded #100,000 from the man that slept with your wife. You still cohabit with your wife which act is an abomination.




Under your watch, you were among Aro Kingdom Ruling Class that banned Aros from summoning people in Arunsi. Those that did were fined cows etc yet your wife summoned Mazi Isaac (your elder brother)wife before Arunsi.


Violators of the laws of the land are made to face punishment but not so for your cronies, wife and family.

Under your watch, the same wife of yours compiled a list of people she will kill. In fact people in her(your wife’s) list have either died or are bedridden.


Your misrule has led to so many deaths in Ibom village. Your wife contracted Chijioke Ikwuagwu (Karika) to be killing her perceived enemies. Karika testified before you that he buried the head of a dog in the palace on your instruction.




On the 25th anniversary of your rulership as Eze Ibom celebration, you invited and honoured people without the consent of Umu- Ibom and cornered the proceeds from the event.


Intentionally, you have reduced Ibom to nothing, evidently shown in Nkwo-Ekpe Ibom and Eke- Ekpe Aro as 1st position village has turned 19.

Frankly speaking, the type of enmity your rulership has created among Umu-Ibom is an existential threat. It was unity in Ibom that helped Umu-Ibom to build Ibom hall but during your 26 years rule the dilapidated hall has further deteriorated.


The Eze of a community should be a FATHER TO ALL but you have turned a monster to Umu-Ibom.




Ibom Welfare Union summoned a meeting of entire Ibom on 31st December, 2022 to discuss the burning issues in our clime but you

said any son/daughter that attends the meeting will be fined and protesters to your palace will be shot.


You invited soldiers that stationed their Toyota Hitux Van around the hall, visibly carrying guns to intimidate the same people you were meant to lead. No individual is bigger than Ibom, and Umu-Ibom can’t continue to watch you destroy our common heritage.


When the head is rotten, the body cannot function.


Finally, by this suspension, you’re not to partake in any activity ef the palace or represent Ibom in Arochukwu and beyond as Eze Ibom. Our people will therefore not accord you any respect or rights to the stool of Eze Ibom.


Yours faithfully,

Kingsley Kanu Okereke, President General,


Nkeiruka Sunday Nnabugwu, Financial Secretary General,

Ibom Welfare Union

For and on behalf of Umu Ibom.



·Eze Aro in Council

·Council of Nde Eze Ogo

· President General Nzuko Arochukwu Men’s Wing

President General Nzuko Arochukwu Women’s Wing

·Abia State Government

·Ministry of Local Government and. Chieftaincy Affairs

·Abia State Council of Nde Eze

·Arochukwu LGA

·Arochukwu LGA Council of Nde Eze

The Nigeria Police, Arochukwu

·The Nigeria Army,Arochukwu

DSS, Arochukwu

The Civil Defense,Arochukwu

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Emeh James Anyalekwa, is a Seasoned Journalist, scriptwriter, Movie producer/Director and Showbiz consultant. He is the founder and CEO of the multi Media conglomerate, CANDY VILLE, specializing in Entertainment, Events, Prints and Productions. He is currently a Special Assistant (Media) to the Former Governor of Abia State and Chairman Slok Group, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu. Anyalekwa is also the National President, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN)

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