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Pastor Jimmy Odukoya Raised Funds During Service To Help Some Of His Members

In his transition from a former Nollywood actor to a newly appointed senior pastor, Jimmy Odukoya has sparked considerable discussion.

During a recent church service, he garnered attention by successfully raising millions of naira for members.

It would be recalled that Jimmy took over from his late father, Taiwo Odukoya, the founder of the Fountain of Life Church about two months ago amidst a serious controversy.

In a video making the rounds on social media, the preacher was seen raising funds for a student who needed N140K for his school’s tuition and ended up getting the sum of N640K.

Another lady also stepped out on how she needed 7500 Canadian dollars [roughly N6.3M] and ended up raising the sum of N9.6M for the church member.

The act of kindness of pastor Jimmy Odukoya has since generated a wave of reactions online as many commended him.

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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