The world watched as the highly boastful self acclaimed Gypsy King got knocked down by a MMA fighter in the 3rd round and did his best dominate some of the rounds all through. As a result, lots of people, especially our African and black families saw his defeat as a daylight robbery. They felt that Tyson Fury lost big time.
When one of the writers thundered that Tyson Fury and his camp should bury their heads in sh@me and fix the rematch quickly, l smiled. The promoters have achieved their aim.
Sincerely, l have to agree that Fury was outclassed in some rounds and Francis Ngannou took the world by surprise, but that’s where it stopped. To beat the champ, like Mohammed Ali use to say, you have to throughly wipe the champ. Everyone one of us who watched the fight and set sentiment apart will admit that it was a too close to call of a fight. So, on that ground, while being proud of Ngannou, l can’t call it robbery.
If you’re a boxing expert, you note that since there was not knockout, Fury won on punches landed and it was those punches that the referees were counting. Frances definitely messed him up though on several rounds.
Some of our stand is based on the fact that we expected something more better from Fury in a night he didn’t put up a good performance. We just discovered Francis Ngannou is a lot better than people thought he was. As a result, we want him rewarded for standing up to the boxing beast and bring him down from the Olympian height we placed him.
What we have to equally put into consideration is that Tyson Fury really had no idea what Francis boxing style was going to be. If he was able to spar him several times he would probably figure him out and learn what to do. He actually seemed kind of confused as to what would work and what wouldn’t work. He knew perfectly how to fight Wider Deontay after their first fight, but he did not know how to fight francis. If there’s a second match it’s going to be a knockout.
Francis is a very powerful and absolute specimen. People that were saying he has kickboxing punching power but not boxing punching power missed it. Ngannou absolutely is one of the most gifted physical specimens ever in kickboxing or MMA if you like. In terms of his strength and size. Last night, he showed UFC what they lost. In one night he made what he couldn’t have dreamt of in his entire UFC career and it was just the beginning. He has opened the door for MMA fighters to start flooding the boxing arena. He has shown that glove pass glove.
Because of his muscles his speed is average. He moves like a Robocop. His endurance may not be the best because at round 3 he started breathing hard through his mouth. That he carried on to the last and seems to regain strength and went on to exhibit a big and physically strongness taking hard-hitting punches as they come and giving back, is a testimony that he will endure in boxing. Hey, Anthony Joshua and Wider Deontay take note, Francis Ngannou is here. He is not just here for an exhibition fight alone, he is here to stay. Not just stay, but redefine the boxing world.
That even after fighting him Tyson just could not measure what Francis style was should worry the other ambitious heavyweight fighters. Tyson Fury confessed that he had an awkward style. And that’s basically Tyson admitting he couldn’t figure out how to adjust to him. You see, l told you that Mike Tyson took a home an African wild dog and made a beast out of him.
After Fury rematch or not, l think Wilder versus Francis is a great fight that would sell. But Ngannou wants to fight AJ next and that too will be a crowd puller either in Saudi or Tottenham.
Having said all these, l want to point out certain important factors, though Ngannou didn’t get the win, to go ten rounds with Fury and knock him down is a huge achievement for MMA. He should retain Mike Tyson to further train him hard to enable him have the same cardio and pace that he had in the first 3 rounds! He was a dynamo.
Like l pointed out, he was visibly tired in the later rounds with his mouth hanging open! As a result, he slowed down! Fury definitely won on points but not by much! The judges were right and no one was robbed.
Now, look at the statistics, Ngannu started the first 3 to 4 rounds solid. Fury took over afterwards. Amazing he caught Fury cold but after that there wasn’t much done but him getting boxed around the ring. Yes, he was throwing jabs here and there but Fury was a professional dodger.
The punch stats show a 7 rounds to 3, or 6 rounds to 4 victory for Fury, which reflects how 2 judges saw it. Stats don’t lie in boxing.
Ngannou won rounds 2, 3, & 4. Debatably he won round 8. Fury won the rest. 7 rounds to 3 (96-93) or 6 rounds to 4 (95-94). The judges were right. Check the stats l posted here.
Again, Fury landed far more punches, just that a lot was expected of him and anything less than knockout wasn’t going to convincingly enough for people to accept, but to be honest he did win. Yes, Ngannou won our hearts for his endurance till the end. Trained by Mike tyson, I expected no less.
The good news for all of us is that heavyweight boxing is back. Ngannou is the new face of heavyweight boxing and he is pure African. He is here to pick the batton from were AJ dropped it.
Fury being over confident and too boastful made people to develop strong sympathy for Ngannou. We world cheered when in round 3 Fury didn’t know what hit him, as he never anticipate the power of Ngannou. Yes, Fury got Humbled by Ngannou, and it’s a victory for us. Alongside Wilder, Ngannou have proved that He is among the hardest puncher in the World today, Harder than Wilder some may say, well until both enter the ring.
Francis by his performance redefined the value of NMA and gave new hope to heavyweight boxing. He took us by surprise and took our heart with him and in that sympathy lots pronounced him the winner. In our hearts he’s actually the winner, but when you look at the statistics it is what it is, boxing and based on his professional experience Tyson won. But the real winner of last night was Mike Tyson, look at where he picked Francis and look at how he placed him at the pinnacle of boxing, bringing out his best and the hidden power, he made a refined artist out of a beast and turned a 5 rounder NMA kick boxer into a supreme global hitter with one of the deadliest punch among the living heavyweights of today.🥊 Perhaps only Rocky Marciano, George Foreman and Denorty Wilder can be compared with.
By Peter Agba Kalu