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S*x Trafficked Mum Defends Boyfriend Who Raped Her 6-Years-Old Daughter

A heavily pregnant woman who had survived the horrors of s*x trafficking in Russia found a glimmer of hope when she was welcomed and supported by PATHFINDER, a non-governmental organization based in Benin City, Edo State.

Under their care, she received the nurturing she needed and eventually gave birth to a beautiful mixed-race girl. However, the trauma of her experiences in cold Russia weighed heavily on her, and she now carried the visible reminder of those dark days in the form of a child with no identifiable father.

Her own family, who had sacrificed everything to send her abroad in search of a better life, were deeply disappointed by her return. Desperate for her to recoup the financial investment they had made, they pressured her to return to Russia and work as a s*x worker once again. In her distress, she turned to PATHFINDERS NGO once more, seeking their support and solace.

At this instance, Pathfinders NGO approached one of their supporting partners to help integrate her back into the system as their hands were full with many other cases of returnee s*x workers from Libya, Italy, Spain, and other countries.

Faith Omoruyi, the Russian returnee, through the help of one of Pathfinders supporting partners, was given a job with accommodation and registered in school as an adult student to enable her continue her education, which she dropped out of in JSS3.

Faith approached the administrator of this establishment for help with raising her daughter as she was struggling with raising a child and furthering her education, which was provided by her new employer. The administrator, filled with compassion, took temporary custody of her baby.

Faith Omoruyi’s daughter under the care of the Administrator flourished into a very adorable, beautiful child and it was no surprise that the little child started addressing the administrator as mum to the chagrin of Faith, who shockingly told the child not to address anyone but her as mum.

As a result of her insecurities and fear of losing her child, Faith demanded the return of her child and she was immediately returned back to her mother.

Over time, Faith established a relationship with a “Mr. Sam”, who she would periodically smuggle into her bedsit accommodation provided by her employer for overnight S*x romps on the same bed shared with her 6-year-old daughter.

Down the line, Faith’s daughter got ill and was taken to a local chemist, where it was established that she had multiple sexually transmitted diseases for which Faith repeatedly treated with local herbs.

Faith’s daughter, who is now 6 years old, revealed to her mother’s coworkers how she was serially raped by Mr. Sam, her mum’s boyfriend.

The Nigeria police were invited, and tests were conducted at the police hospital, which confirmed that the six years old’s hymen had been broken and A*us penetrated. She was also infected with STDs and all manner of diseases, including malaria, typhoid, and ulcer due to starvation and malnutrition.

The police tracked down Faith’s boyfriend, “Mr. Sam”, through his phone and arrested him and flowing from the interrogation of both Faith Omoruyi and the suspect Sam, it appeared that Faith was in the know of what was being done to her daughter and chose to keep it quiet which goes against every rational reasoning.

The social development secretariat weighed in at this point to ensure the security and safety of the little girl and the suspected Pedophile, Mr. Sam, is presently being held in police detention where he is assisting the police in their bid to crack the Child s*x and Pornography Organized Crime Ring he belongs to.

It is clear that no amount of plea bargain is swaying the police who are determined to make Sam and his ilk have their day in court and be charged for this horrendous crime committed against a vulnerable 6-year-old little girl and others.

It has been observed that Sam’s co practitioners in the Pedophile Ring have commenced overt propaganda in the social media to discourage the police from further investigations and all those behind this are being monitored by the police.

Justice must be served for this little 6 year old and all other children who have suffered such abuse and this Pedophile “Mr. Sam” MUST NOT be released.

Anambra man of the year award
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