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Reverend Oscar Mukahanana Commits Suicide As Adultery Leaks On Church’s Whatsapp

A tragic incident unfolded within the United Methodist Church as Reverend Oscar Mukahanana took his own life following the exposure of an adultery scandal that rocked the congregation.

Reverend Mukahanana held the esteemed position of Harare East District Superintendent in Zimbabwe.

His involvement in an extramarital affair with a young woman from the church sent shockwaves through the community.

The private conversations between Reverend Mukahanana and the lady involved in the affair, which had been kept hidden, came to light when an audio recording of their secret meetings was leaked and shared on the church’s WhatsApp group. This unfortunate revelation has left the congregation in shock and mourning.

He reportedly talked about how happy he was that he gave the girl a good session before her menstrual cycle.

After the audio leaked on the Whatsapp group, his church members subjected him to an object of mockery as they began to forward it to other groups.

Local media said they even created memes, ridiculing the District Superintendent over the adultery scandal.

Mukahanana who felt humiliated and embarrassed over the matter then commit suicide on Friday when he could not withstand the shame.

Confirming the death of the cleric, UMC Harare District said in a statement, “It is with heavy heart to announce to you the untimely death of our Beloveth District Superintendent Rev Oscar Mukahanana of the Harare East District.

“The Office of the Bishop shall be informing the church of developments and funeral arrangements. As a Church, you are being cordially requested to support the Mukahanana family through your prayers.”

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