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Sanwo-Olu's Victory Affirmed By The Lagos State Governorship Election Tribunal


The Lagos State Governorship Election Tribunal has dismissed the petition of the Governorship Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Olajide Adediran, popularly known as Jandor, affirming the re-election of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, and his Deputy, Obafemi Hamzat. -Igbere TV reports.


Justice Mikhail Abdullahi held that Sanwo-Olu and his deputy, Dr Hamzat, were qualified to contest the March 18, 2023, governorship election in the state under section 177 of the Constitution.


The judge noted that they are members of political parties and educated up to school certificate level.


Section 177 of the constitution stipulated that “A person shall be qualified for election to the office of Governor of a State if

(a) he is a citizen of Nigeria by birth; (b) he has attained the age of thirty-five years; (c) he is a member of a political party and is sponsored by that political party; and (d) he has been educated up to at least School Certificate level or its equivalent.”

The tribunal also declared that it has no powers to inquire into the primary election of the APC which produced Sanwo-Olu, saying it is a pre-election matter which doesn’t fall under its jurisdiction.

The Chairman of the tribunal, Justice Arum Ashom, earlier on Monday, announced that judgment over the petition of the governorship candidate of the Labour Party, Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour will be delivered afterwards.


The tribunal also added that they cannot subsequently go on to challenge any part of the judgment in Jandor’s petition or else will become a meddlesome interloper.

The Independent National Electoral Commission had declared Sanwo-Olu of the All Progressives Congress winner of the governorship election.

He polled 762,134 votes to beat Mr Rhodes-Vivour, who scored 312,329 votes. Jide Adediran came a distant third, polling 62,449 votes.


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