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Another Coup In African Country, Congo Brazzaville?

In a sudden turn of events, Congo Brazzaville is currently grappling with a military coup, raising questions about the stability of the nation. President Denis Sassou Nguesso, who has been in power for decades, is reportedly in the United States as this crisis unfolds.







The situation remains fluid, with limited information available about the whereabouts and actions of President Nguesso. This coup comes as a significant development in a nation where political tensions have simmered for years.


President Nguesso, one of Africa’s longest-serving leaders, has faced criticism and accusations of maintaining a tight grip on power. His absence from the country during this critical time has left many citizens anxious and uncertain about the future.


Details about the coup, including the identity and motivations of the military leaders involved, remain unclear. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, calling for a peaceful resolution to avoid further instability in the region.

Meanwhile, the Congo Brazzaville Government, on Sunday, debunked claims that the military sacked the current civilian government led by President Denis Sassou Nguesso.

The country’s Minister of Information, Thierry Moungalla, who allayed the fears of citizens, described the claims as “fake news”.


“URGENT – Fanciful information suggests serious events that may be underway in #Brazzaville. The Government denies this fake news.

“We reassure public opinion about the calm that reigns and invite people to calmly go about their activities,” the minister wrote on his X page on Sunday.


Congo Brazzaville, rich in natural resources like oil and minerals, has struggled with political instability and economic challenges for years. This coup only adds to the ongoing uncertainty, leaving the Congolese people worried about the direction their country will take in the coming days and weeks.

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