A young man (name withheld) has landed in Police custody after the Keke (Tricycle) he packed to service the engine of his girlfriend disappeared the next morning.
IGBERE TV gathered that the ugly incident happened in Oroke Onuoha in Ebonyi State on Tuesday.
According to an eyewitness who doesn’t want his name to be mentioned said the young man who is riding the Keke on hire purchase was shocked when he didn’t see his Keke the next morning.
He reveled that when the man couldn’t give any explanation on how the Keke disappeared, the owner of Keke arrested him immediately.
He said “the guy is in Police Station now as I am speaking with you. He always packs the Keke after work to see one girl like that.”
“But yesterday, something strange happened. He packed the Keke and went in with the lady. When he woke up the next day, Keke Otilo”.
“He is currently in Police Station explaining how the Keke disappeared to Policemen because the owner of the Keke is extremely angry”, he said.