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Facts About The Constitutional Logjam Loading In Nigeria - UK Police Officer


By: Ndidi Uwechue

Facts are useful because they help guide people correctly.


Fact 1:

Nigeria has no federating Constitution. The Document known as its 1999 Constitution is a Fraud. It is Military Decree 24 renamed Constitution. What that Document is, is an “Instrument of Governance”.


Fact 2:

Nigeria is a Disputed Project with all the very serious implications of such an unstable entity, including for financial loans received after 16th December 2020 when a formal Constitutional Force Majeure was Declared over constitutional grievances brought on by insisting that indigenous Ethnic Nations must submit to that 1999 Fraud (Constitution).

The Constitutional Force Majeure (CFM) being a historic and key Proclamation in the Emancipation of indigenous Ethnic Nations of the South and Middle Belt from Fulani oppression and genocidal violence, as this immigrant settler People try to make Nigeria their Fulani “estate”, announced by their Ahmadu Bello in 1960, portions of the CFM Notice will be quoted here, for it is fear of the CFM, that has triggered the Fulani-dominated Government’s unacceptable actions pushing Nigeria to the constitutional logjam brewing up:


“…We gather here this day as Accredited Delegates of the Constituent Component Nationalities of Nigeria, under the aegis of : “Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination”, being a Joint-Cooperation Framework for the Self-Determination Initiatives of the Southern and Middle-Belt of Nigeria on behalf of our Various Peoples and Interests, to Pronounce an end to our toleration of Nigeria’s Unitary Constitutional Order, Unilaterally Imposed and Forcefully Maintained by a Section of the Nigerian Country, in negation of the Federal Basis Upon which Nigeria became one Political Union at Independence in 1960 and in brutal Subjugation of our Collective Sovereignties currently being Forcefully and Fraudulently appropriated by the Nigerian State…

…HEREBY DECLARE A SOVEREIGNTY DISPUTE with the Federation of Nigeria as represented by Federal Government of Nigeria, on account of our Repudiation and Rejection of the Imposed 1999 Constitution of Nigeria whose authorship was Fraudulently imputed to us by the Preamble to that Constitution…

… of the Intention of the Peoples of the Alliance Territories to reconsider our Continued Allegiance to the Disputed 1999 Constitution as well as the Unitary Union of Death, Attrition and Backwardness it foists on us.”


Just as South Africa halted national elections and went to Transitioning to carry out the negotiations that ended their Apartheid constitutional order, the CFM follows that same globally accepted method, and so Nigeria was to suspend the voyage to Elections 2023 (ends on 29 May with swearing in ceremony) as that renews the life of the Repudiated 1999 Constitution, and instead have Transitioning to Renegotiate the failed Union.


Fact 3:

The illicit power of the Fulani Caliphate masquerading as Federal Government comes exclusively from the 1999 Constitution foisted upon Nigerians. Government went into overdrive using state power, public money, control of the media, and its influence, to hide the eyes of Nigerians from Transitioning that would bring real Change, to focus their eyes instead on national elections. Enter the Caliphate’s helping hands: those who would tell Nigerians to get their Voter’s Cards as elections would deepen “Democracy”; plus a third force that would suck up youthful energies by convincing young people that they should ignore the truth that the 1999 Constitution is a fraud, and that “good leadership” would bring them the (undefined) change they desired.


Fact 4:

Although elections get rigged in Nigeria, in all the previous ones no CFM had been Proclaimed and Nigeria had not been a Disputed Project as now, so fear of the CFM became the catalyst for the disgraceful levels of rigging experienced in 2023, loudly condemned by local as well as international observers. Two things were happening. 1. There was panic and an urgency to use guile and bribery to drag Nigerians along even to “mock” elections just so as to get to the goal of renewing the life of the illegitimate 1999 Constitution for another four years. 2. That 1999 Constitution is the sole reason that Peter Obi could not emerge as winner despite polls predicting him to win. It puts everything relating to elections including INEC, security, communications networks etc throughout Nigeria under the control of the Fulani-dominated government, which also control the courts where Mr Obi has now headed.


Fact 5:

Fulani-controlled INEC declared Bola Tinubu the winner of elections under highly controversial circumstances. There are several legal complaints against INEC having declared Mr Tinubu president-elect and one of them is the clear requirement that such winner MUST get at least 25% of the Federal Capital Territory votes, and there is evidence that Mr Tinubu did not meet this condition.


Fact 6:

By choosing to continue to misgovern Nigerians using a fraud labelled “1999 Constitution” rather than doing the globally decent thing like De Klerk’s government in South Africa did, of Transitioning, defined in the CFM Notice, government is placing Nigeria in a constitutional crisis heading to logjam with a standstill.




WHERE DOES NIGERIA GO FROM HERE? Well, three presidential candidates each claim to be winner of the 2023 elections, but indications are that the winner of these elections that should never have happened before first fixing Nigeria’s dysfunctional constitutional order, is Peter Obi. Even if the decision is made to have a re-run, that would be spending huge sums of money yet again, plus would still be under the Repudiated 1999 Constitution so would still be controlled by the Fulani Caliphate. If the courts decide to declare Obi or Atiku winner instead of Tinubu, or to maintain that Tinubu remains the winner – the Repudiated 1999 Constitution still remains.


Does the Fulani Caliphate, the hidden power behind Nigeria’s throne REALLY think that they can continue to impose their fraudulent 1999 Constitution, their Fulani supremacy and oppression of Nigerians, their Fulanization Agenda of genocide against Nigerians so that Fulani can acquire Nigeria’s lands by outright conquest – and not in the end be the greatest loser, and their People be sent back to where they originally came from? That 1999 Constitution has come to the end of the road: it is the source of all the things that Nigerians rightly complain about, and because of it Nigeria is a Disputed Project, so for instance, what will those who lent Nigeria money since the CFM say when they learn about Nigeria’s shaky status as a country? No matter who the courts decide will be the next president, as long as that 1999 Constitution remains foisted upon Nigerians, there is no hope for the masses. It is the masses who will rise up to set themselves free from that 1999 Constitution and Unitary Nigeria. And when the watching world finds out what the Fulani Caliphate has been doing to Nigerians, it will side with the masses.



Ndidi Uwechue is a British citizen with Igbo heritage from the Lower Niger Bloc. She is a retired Metropolitan (London) Police Officer, she is a signatory to the Constitutional Force Majeure, and she writes from Abuja.

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Emeh James Anyalekwa, is a Seasoned Journalist, scriptwriter, Movie producer/Director and Showbiz consultant. He is the founder and CEO of the multi Media conglomerate, CANDY VILLE, specializing in Entertainment, Events, Prints and Productions. He is currently a Special Assistant (Media) to the Former Governor of Abia State and Chairman Slok Group, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu. Anyalekwa is also the National President, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN)

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