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AbiaGuber: I'm Ready For The Election —APP's Candidate, Mascot Kalu Says As Stakeholders Call For Power To Return To Abia North


The Abia state governorship candidate of the Action Peoples Party (APP), Sir Chief Mascot Uzor Kalu (KSJI), has expressed his readiness for the state’s gubernatorial election while also charging supporters not to be dismayed and to be confident in the electoral course of his party, the APP.

Chief Kalu, whose candidacy and party, the APP, have tremendously grown in a geometrical progression since the inception of this electoral dispensation, from an underdog to one of the major contenders for the governorship seat, with stakeholders calling for power to return to the Abia North Zone, said this at his Igbere hometown yesterday.

The former Abia state Chief of Staff, addressing the crowd of state-wide stakeholders of the three major structures that conglomerated into the APP—Reality Organization, OUK Movement, Abia Rebirth, and other pro-groups at a grand joint meeting, urged his supporters to believe in themselves that the fortunes of the state can change with him at the helm of affairs, pointing out that what had seemed impossible to many people at the beginning, now seemingly looks possible.

“I want you to believe in yourself that this is possible and that together we can change the fortunes of the state. What was impossible when we started seems to be possible, and those who doubted and never took us seriously are now afraid of us.

“So, go back to your respective units, wards, and LGAs to deliver before you demand. And do not be dismayed because I am fully prepared for the election.”

With the contentious issue of zoning the governorship seat to Abia North that has somewhat polarized the state, the APP governorship candidate promised to govern the state with his conscience, saying, “I will not be selective or divisive in the allocation of infrastructural development in the state, and neither will I abandon other parts of the state because I am from Abia North.”

Various stakeholders at the meeting who took turns to speak demanded respect for the “Abia Charter of Equity” and unanimously called for power to return to Abia North, with Chief Kalu the most formidable and frontline governorship candidate from the zone.

One of them, Chief Sunday N. Imo, a former Abia state Chief Judge from Bende L.G.A., said the people and Abia North approve of Chief Kalu’s candidacy and strongly support him because he is fighting for the rights of the zone.

The State Party Chairman of the APP, Elder (Hon.) Princewill Ukaegbu, in his remark, urged other parts of the state to unite together for equity’s sake and the development of the state to ensure that power returns to Abia North.

In the same vein, the DG of the Mascot Uzor Kalu Campaign Council, Elder Mark Ugorji, who hails from the Olokoro part of Umuahia, asked every stakeholder of Abia State not to deny Abia North its rights while also urging every supporter of the APP to collectively see it as their responsibility in canvassing for the party’s governorship candidate.

On their part and in their separate speeches, the Deputy Governorship candidate of the APP and the former State Chairman of the Party, Prof. Osondu Akoma and Chief Sylvanus Nwaji, respectively, who are all from the Ukwa bloc, said the Ukwa people are willing to support Abia North to produce the next Governor of the state.

While Chief Nwaji urged the people of Abia North not to allow the opportunity of producing the governor of the state to slip away from them, Prof. Akoma gave the assurance that his people are willing to reciprocate the political gesture of the APP in giving Ukwa sons slots for elective positions by massively voting for the party.

Comr. Ojisi Iro Ogbaja and Barr. Peter Ndukwe, the state chairmen of the OUK Movement and Reality Organization, respectively, who also spoke at the meeting, expressed their confidence that, with the structures at the disposal of the APP, if everyone can work with sincerity of purpose, nothing is stopping the party from emerging victorious at the polls.

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Emeh James Anyalekwa, is a Seasoned Journalist, scriptwriter, Movie producer/Director and Showbiz consultant. He is the founder and CEO of the multi Media conglomerate, CANDY VILLE, specializing in Entertainment, Events, Prints and Productions. He is currently a Special Assistant (Media) to the Former Governor of Abia State and Chairman Slok Group, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu. Anyalekwa is also the National President, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN) https://web.facebook.com/emehjames

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