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Meghan Markle Reveals She is ‘43% Nigerian’

Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle has revealed for the first time her genetic heritage, saying she is 43% Nigerian.

The 41-year-old made the revelation in the latest episode of her podcast, Archetypes, where she expressed her desire to learn more about her roots.

In the episode, Mirror reports on Tuesday, Markle discussed with American actress Issa Rae, Nigerian-American writer Ziwe Fumudoh, and Professor Emily Bernards.

“I just had my genealogy done a couple of years ago,” Meghan said.

When her guests asked her to share what the results entailed, the Duchess said, “I’m 43% Nigerian.” A shocked Ziwe responded, “No way!”

Ziwe further asked, “Are you serious? This is huge. Igbo, Yoruba, do we know?”

Meghan then answered, “I’m going to start to dig deeper into all of this because anyone that I’ve told, especially Nigerian women, are just like, what?”

Meghan is married to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and they have two children.

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