Hilda Dokubo, a Nollywood actress, is one of the celebs who enjoys showcasing images of individuals close to her, especially on their birthdays.
In keeping with this, Hilda Dokubo took to Instagram to post beautiful images of her son, Tuvi Dokubo, as he turned another year older.
Birthdays are indeed special days. We individually celebrate the anniversaries of our births. It’s a day we thank God for life and accomplishments.
According to Hilda, God blessed her with a son 22 years ago, and that son has grown to become a young man, full of positive energy.
I guess Hilda will make today count in her son’s life. After all, a birthday is the most important celebration in human history. This is because life itself is the ultimate.
Many people go out of their way to organise big parties just to commemorate their special days.