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WAEC Releases 2021 WASSCE Results

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) on Monday released the West African Senior School Certificate Examination for School Candidates, 2021 in Nigeria.

The exam had taken place simultaneously throughout the five-member countries of the council – The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

The release of the results comes 45 days after the exanimation was concluded on October 8, 2021.

“This is a record time, taking into consideration the fact that we lost a week to insecurity, during the marking exercise in the South East, occasioned by the heightened tension before and during the Anambra Gubernatorial election,” head of the Nigeria national office Patrick Areghan said at the council headquarters in Yaba, Lagos.

“It is, therefore, not true, as you can see, that WAEC delayed the release of the results of the WASSCE (SC) 2021 as being speculated in some quarters. We have kept to our promise, in spite of all odds.

“We should be praised rather than being vilified. Nothing can be faster or earlier than what we have done.

“We do not release results without marking the scripts and processing the scores. We are grateful to the examiners for doing a good job within the stipulated period.”

Mr Areghan said 1,560,261 SS3 candidates sat for the examination while 1,274,784 achieved the minimum benchmark needed for admission into the university.

Of the number, 630,138 (49.43 per cent) were male, while 644,646 (50.57 percent) were female.

Anambra man of the year award
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