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Queen Elizabeth II told by doctors to rest for at least two weeks after recent health scare

Britain’s monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, 95, has been told by doctors to rest for at least the next two weeks and not undertake any official visits, Buckingham Palace said in a statement on Friday, October 29, IgbereTV reports.

The announcement comes more than a week after the monarch, 95, spent a night in the hospital for what a spokesman described at the time as “preliminary investigations.”

“Her Majesty’s doctors have advised that she should continue to rest for at least the next two weeks. The doctors have advised that Her Majesty can continue to undertake light, desk-based duties during this time, including some virtual audiences, but not to undertake any official visits,” the palace said in its statement Friday.

“Her Majesty regrets that this means she will be unable to attend the Festival of Remembrance on Saturday, 13th November. However, it remains The Queen’s firm intention to be present for the National Service of Remembrance on Remembrance Sunday, on 14th November.”

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