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Biden: Sudan’s Civilian-Led Govt ‘Must Be Restored’

US President Joe Biden on Thursday demanded that Sudan’s military immediately restore the nation to civilian rule, joining European and UN calls for an end to violence against peaceful demonstrators and the release of detainees, IgbereTV reports.

“Our message to Sudan’s military authorities is overwhelming and clear: the Sudanese people must be allowed to protest peacefully and the civilian-led transitional government must be restored,” Biden said in a statement.

The American president described the events of recent days as “a grave setback” for Sudan, referring to the military coup which plunged the poverty-stricken African country into chaos.

Several protesters have been killed in days of street violence in the capital Khartoum, as the abrupt collapse of Sudan’s transition to democracy sparked an international outcry.

“I urge Sudan’s military leaders to immediately release all those detained and restore the institutions associated with the transitional government,” Biden said.


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