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Kim Jong Un orders starving North Koreans to eat less food until 2025

North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un has reportedly ordered its citizens to eat less food until the country re-opens its border with China in 2025, IgbereTV reports.


Food shortages are already affecting North Koreans, but citizens were told to tighten their belts for at least another three years by officials, according to RFA.


However, people have already complained that shortages would make it difficult to see themselves through the winter, let alone multiple years.


North Korea closed its border with China in January 2020 as a precautionary measure against the spread of coronavirus. But the move has had a serious impact on the nation’s economy with prices of everyday goods rising sharply as demand outstripped supply.


Speaking about the new government guidance, a resident of the city Sinuiju, who wished to remain anonymous, said that people have been warned that the chances of re-opening the border with China before 2025 were slim.

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