Immediate And Unconditional Release of Nnamdi Kanu My Demand – Gen. Orji | #IgbereTV
By: Onuoha E. Onuoha
The struggle for the resuscitation of the defunct Sovereign State Of Biafra has gone a long way. In 1967, freedom and independence was witnessed, felt and enjoyed but was forcefully crushed and in 1970, Biafra slept but was never killed. Today, the restoration of the Sovereignty of The State Of Biafra is on top gear and needless to say at its crescendo and final lap. A time to announce loss or win.
It is time Biafrans tell themselves the truth and acknowledge the fact that Fulani controlled Nigeria Government does not follow rule of law thus only by Political negotiation which will mean compromise to the Biafra struggle will Nigeria Government release Prophet Nnamdi Kanu and Nnamdi Kanu may NEVER accept such compromise which means continuous detention in the DSS dongeon and or demanding in prison custody. Biafrans clamouring for a court appearance or demanding in prison custody should know deep down that court appearance and or remanding in prison custody alone cannot bring Biafra or grant Nnamdi Kanu freedom judging from the kind of Jubilation from Fulani Government officials as if they kidnapped Abubakar Shakau of Boko-Haram. We must also acknowledge the fact that it is only Almighty God that have stopped their plans to kill Nnamdi Kanu as we all know that no IPOB family member or IPOB-DOS member have summoned the courage to even pay him a visit in the DSS dongeon.

Gen. Innocent Orji
Nnamdi Kanu has performed tremendously well and to me and from what I know, he has played his role and cannot kill himself for Biafrans. He will not and cannot do everything for us.
However, In every generation, God raises Prophets, Judges and Leaders at his discretion as God’s decisions and ways are absolutely unquestionable. He raised Leaders like Saul and when Saul was done with his role, David was raised. This doesn’t mean to undermine Saul’s accomplishments. NO!
Before Israel had a king, it had a series of tribal leaders called judges. God used these men and women to save the Israelites from their enemies and lead them back to him. The Book of Judges records this dark chapter in ancient Jewish history, noting each judge’s deeds and the circumstances surrounding them.
After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, Joshua led them into the promised land. When Joshua and his generation died, so did the Israelites’ knowledge of God (Judges 2:10). They began worshipping other gods. So the Lord handed them over to their enemies and used the surrounding nations to test them, seeing whether they would walk in his ways as their ancestors did (Judges 2:22).
That’s when the judges came in:
“Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders.” —Judges 2:16
But every time a judge died, Israel went astray again, returning to sinful practices and idolatry. It was a constant cycle of sin and deliverance. Israel rebels. God disciplines them. Israel repents. God delivers them. Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson.
Morover, the book of 1 Samuel lists Eli the priest, Samuel the prophet, and Samuel’s sons as leaders in this respect, too (1 Samuel 4:18; 1 Samuel 7:15–8:3). There are also a few other important leaders in Judges, like Barak. However, they’re not usually grouped with the twelve featured in the book of Judges.
Some of the more well-known judges (like Gideon and Samson) get several chapters in the Book of Judges. Others only get a paragraph. Shamgar gets a single verse.
General Innocent Orji is not a civilian leader but a military commander of Biafra Army who have successfully raised Battalions off Soldiers and is anointed, prepared and ready to restore Biafra and defend her boarders against all internal and external territorial aggression. He is not a type that sought after praises. He is not the type that shows off. He believes in action and implementation as he’s not an orator.
If Biafrans must get it right, it is a must to acknowledge the works, sacrifices, achievements as well as shortcomings of all who have paid the price for Biafra. While we’re not going to dwell on the shortcomings of these Biafra Leaders for the purpose of moving forward to the ultimate goal – Biafra Restoration), it is self-evident that Leader Ralph Uwazurike has played his role in ressusitating the name Biafra after decades when the mention of Biafra was almost an abomination in Nigeria. When Uwazurike was done with his role,the spirit of Elohim appointed Prophet Nnamdi who founded the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB).
There’s no gainsaying that Prophet Nnamdi Kanu and the global family of IPOB has done immensely well in ressurecting all the sleeping Leopards, Tigers, lions and Lionesses that will take the kingdom of God by force and his efforts will surely be rewarded in due course. It takes only an idiot to argue that fact that Nnamdi Kanu and the global family of IPOB raised the crescendo of the BIAFRA struggle, popularized it, internationalized it and took the gospel if BIAFRA to the extremity of the earth as ordained by Almighty. Now is the time to rake the bull by the horn and claim Victory because victory only belongs to God and not to man.
The singular interest of Innocent Orji is to complete the job Prophet Nnamdi Kanu took over from Ralph Uwazurike. Innocent Orji is not a man of sermons and rectorics. He’s not after receiving showers of praises but he’s out to take the bull by the horn and do the needful which he is destined by ChiukwuOkikeAbiama. Innocent Orji is not a Biafra civilian group Leader but a Biafra Military Commander promoted to the ranks of a General by Chiukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu out eternal Leader. He has spent about 11 years in prison custody at the Onitsha prisons while 16 other Pro-Biafran Activists sentenced alongside him are still languishing in Onitsha and Awka prisons respectively. Hundreds of other Pro-Biafran Activists are littered in vatious detention facilities of Nigeria and the most gruesome rape of democratic rule of Law and flaunting of International Laws in the kidnap and Extraordinary Rendition of Prophet Nnamdi Kanu. These innocent Pro-Biafran prisoners of Conscience must not be left there without Justice upon a failed state like Nigeria where the Politicians dictate for the Judiciary which case to hear and which case to ignore till infinitum.
Moreso, in my capacity as in Independent Investigative journalist, while communicating directly with General Innocent Orji, he told me directly that “the immediate and unconditional release of Prophet Nnamdi Kanu is amongst his initial demands from the occupational Government of Nigeria”.
On 27th-30th October 2021, BNG will address the global powers that be and all foreign and Diplomatic missions in Nigeria.
Whosoever that tries to sabotage Biafra restoration because of human egocentrism and Leadership turzle shall face the wrath of the people of BIAFRA and the wrath of the spirits that God placed in charge of the Land and Waters of BIAFRA as Biafraland is a supernatural enclave, the spiritual Head of Humanity and thus more than just a Country or another African Nation that will witness a turmoil or post independence fracas. Let me re-emphasize that BNG has no leadership interest and would relinquish leadership to all the civilians that contributed to the course irrespective of respective groups. All BNG wants is to do is the finishing work and deliver Biafra to the administration of civilians that have worked tremendously and sincerely for the restoration of Biafra.
It is therefore absolutely imperative that all sincere Indigenous Biafrans MUST reach out NOW to General Innocent Orji and his Battalions of Biafra Army from now till their maiden Live broadcast that has been announced for 27th-30th October, 2021.
Taking a decisive action of self-defence is the only way to halt the impending doom of a planned Jihad from the Fulani Caliphate Nigerian Government unannounced genocide and State sponsored terrorism against Indigenous Biafrans.
To all sincere Indigenous global community of Biafrans, lovers of freedom, children of the Most High ChiukwuOkikeAbiama, people of the rising Sun, children of the epicenter of the world, beginning of the earth Creation, you must all remember that freedom cannot be given to you by any world court, world power or any person except you and your CHI. If you so much desire freedom that slavery is choking on you, you all must form a synergy with General Innocent Orji led BIAFRAN NATIONAL GUARD (Biafra Army) and go out there and take it by force because “The kingdom of God (BIAFRA) suffereth VIOLENCE, and only the VIOLENT (General Innocent Orji – BIAFRAN NATIONAL GUARD) taketh it by FORCE”.
Onuoha E. Onuoha
[B.Sc (Hons), Ed., Pol. Sc. UNN]
Political Scientist/ Analyst, Activist, Diplomat, Arbitrator, Independent Investigative journalist/ Writer.
Writes from FCT, Abuja.