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Okonjo-Iweala Reacts To Pictures Of Girl That Looks Exactly Like Her

Director-general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been drawn to the picture of a young girl in a lookalike outfit to hers.

The picture was first posted on Instagram on July 7.

Mrs Okonjo-Iweala reacted to the photo in a tweet on Wednesday, saying she almost thought it was her younger self.

“This is the cutest young girl I’ve seen in her lookalike Nigerian outfit! I almost thought it was my younger self. I would like to know her name!” she wrote.

Okonjo-Iweala recently debunked speculations that she was considering quitting the WTO job she took in February to contest for the Nigerian Presidency in 2023.

The former Nigerian minister of finance made history as the first woman and the first African to lead the WTO.

“I just got here. I am enjoying what I’m doing. It is a very exciting job and I am trying to have some successes here,” she told Bloomberg News.

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