Seeing this type of video being send to me shocks life out of me and renders me speechless. Please, my beloved brothers and comrades in the struggle, let’s not allow our enemies to laugh at us. Ala Igbo is in great danger, a very big task is ahead of us, I am on my knees pleading in the name our fathers Emeka Ojukwu, Michael Okpara, Akanu Ibiam, Sam Mbakwe, Father Tansi etc etc etc, please put back your swords. No matter who wrong whom, let’s consider our struggle for the liberation of Ala Igbo a sacrifice enough to forego any thought of revenge. We cannot win the struggle no matter how battle ready we’re, if we’re not united. Starting an internal fight when external enemies are speeding towards us will not help us.
Anyone that truly loves Nde Igbo should make efforts to see that we’re united in this fight. The evil speeding towards us by these external aggressive aggressors is more than a nightmare. Go and check their history, they kill, rape, destroy and takeover lands without mercy. What has been happening at Jos and Benue isn’t a stone age history tales. An army that have not mercy on their vocabulary is eyeing our land and we are bent on turning the swords against each other even before they arrive. We will just end up conquering ourselves and hand them over a land without resistance.
Please, please, please biko umu nwannem. I don’t mind being abused if that will bring peace to Igbo land. It’s a very small sacrifice for me.
Biko,let’s not start this internal battle.
Peter Agba Kalu writes from Aba