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Nigerian Man Narrates His Painful Experience With Kidney Stone

A Nigerian man has narrated his painful experience with kidney stones.

In a post shared by him via a Facebook post on Sunday, the man said it began when he started noticing blood in his urine.

“It all started on the 16th day of November, 2020 when I started noticing blood in my urine, at first I didn’t know what to make of it, until the whole urine turned to blood. The night was a very long night, as I kept urinating bloody urine until morning. The pain was out of this world, it was pepperish and hot at the same time.

“By morning, I noticed that a Stone like object has blocked the tip of penis, making it difficult for me to pass urine. Infact, it took me two hours or more, just for some drops of urine to find it’s way out.

“The burning pain when the urine could not find it’s way out, was another round of torture. So I visited the hospital, went for scan and the stone was detected just at the tip of my penis. After administering lots of antibiotics for a week, the stone was still there. Infact, once I feel the urge to urinate, my mind skips because it’s a whole lot of different exercise that demands lots of patience.

“On one of such days when I was returning home from taking my injections, I saw a man rush to the gutters and within 5 seconds, he was done urinating, I shook my head and in my mind I said “this man doesn’t know what God has done for him”. From that moment, I started appreciating the luxury in urinating freely and peacefully, with all the urine fully discharged. Mine took hours and yet the whole urine won’t be out, kept dripping, as I padded up to soaked it up.

“After about one week of medication, the only noticeable change was the pain that reduced, but passing urine was still difficult, so the doctor referred me to a urologist.

I came back and I was perplexed, one mind said I should go see the urologist, but the other mind said No. Reason being that the doctor said that since the stone refused to dissolve and move out through urine, the next alternative was to be operated upon. Mehn! I wasn’t ready for anyone to touch my “Mr happy” with those blades, not when I have not fully utilized it.

Also consulting with my friends, they advised against it, stating that the penile area is very sensitive and any complication will lead to numerous other complications. So I stucked to my guns, then checked the internet for possible herbal medications.

I started drinking lots of water and forcing out urine once I feel the urge to urinate, as well as lime water, pine apple water and watermelon with the seeds well eaten. I noticed some changes with the way I urinate just yesterday, as the urine was becoming frequent, you need to see my happiness with the development.

I intensified my prayer life, telling God to heal me in his time. It was just like magic toners as I tried urinating last night, I noticed a very strong sharp pain on my “PIM PIM”, I still pushed through the pain and in twinkle of an eye, the stone fell off, followed by the hot urine.

Dear Toners, 2020 has been a tough one for everybody, if you still do not see a reason to thank God everyday, just thank him because you can urinate freely. As I type this experience, I can’t count how many times I have urinated, the feeling is unbelievably awesome.

It’s the last Sunday of November, it’s my testimony Sunday, you all should please join me in thanking God for delivering and seeing me through this tough experience. Let’s all be thankful, we are seeing the end of 2020, next year hopefully will be better.

Anambra man of the year award
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