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“I Once Had Miscarriage. It Was A Bloody Experience” — Betty Irabor

Founder and CEO of Genevieve Magazine Betty Irabor has revealed that she has had a miscarriage.

The 63-year-old disclosed this in a tweet while encouraging women to free themselves from the guilt it brings so that they can heal.

She also said the experience is nasty.

“I have had a miscarriage & a near miscarriage & the experience is bloody nasty. U blame ursef 4 what u cld or shld have done differently. D guilt consumes u,” she wrote on Thursday.

“Truth is, It’s not ur fault. U didn’t bring it upon urself. Try & set urself free from d guilt so u can begin to heal.”

Betty is the Editor-In-Chief of Genevieve Magazine founded in 2003.

She is married to Soni Irabor. They have two children.

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