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Actress Moyo Lawal Puts Bum On Display In Military Camouflage (Photos)

Nollywood actress Moyo Lawal has put her bum on display in a military camouflage on Instagram.

The university of Lagos graduate shared a picture of herself wearing a camouflage top and short.

She added that if she were in Nigeria she would have been beaten by military men for putting on a camo.

“Wearing Camo on the streets 🤣😂if I was in Nigeria eeeh , they will beat my bowlegs straight today,” she wrote on Wednesday.

In another post Moyo shared a picture of herself dancing to ‘Maserati’ by Olakira.

She captioned the post saying, “If you haven’t blocked me by now…. …. you have just yourself to blame p.s Moyo what is this hawt mess … E shock you abi if you laugh at me eeeeh , spiritual slap.”

Moyo’s acting credit includes Emem and Angie, Madam’s PA, Tangled Web, Millenium Parent and Desperate Baby Mama.

Anambra man of the year award
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