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Deji Adeyanju, Sowore, Others Continue #EndSARS Protest In Abuja

Publisher of Sahara Reporters Omoyele Sowore has resumed the #EndSARS protest in Abuja.

The former presidential candidate led some youths on Sunday to the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja, where they scribbled #ENDSARS on the floor of the facility’s entrance.

Deji Adeyanju was also part of the protesters.

Personnel of the Nigerian Air Force attached to the airport clashed with the protesters.

In a viral video, Sowore was seen exchanging words with an NAF officer after a young woman claimed she was harassed.

The protesters later moved to the Nigeria Police Force headquarters where they also scribbled #EndSARS on the floor of the entrance of the facility.

They vowed not to back down on their demand for justice for all victims of police brutality in the country including those reportedly killed at Lekki toll gate in Lagos.

The resumption of protest comes after the violence that greeted the #EndSARS campaign in several parts of the country including Abuja and Lagos.

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