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Air Force Arrests Its Personnel Involved In Flogging Curfew Defaulters

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) says it has arrested its officials seen in a footage flogging residents who defaulted the curfew imposed on Osun State.

The NAF stated this in a statement posted on Twitter on Wednesday, although it did not reveal their names.

The officials were caught on tape flogging curfew defaulters after asking them to lie in the mud.

“The attention of @NigAirForce has been drawn to a video showing some personnel flogging/meting out corporal punishment on suspected hoodlums involved in criminal activities during the imposed curfew in Ilesha,” the statement read.

“We wish to inform the general public that @NigAirForce has identified all the personnel involved in the incident & placed them on close arrest, while investigation to determine their level culpability has commenced, after which appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

“@NigAirForce, as a professional and disciplined force, does not condone such irresponsible acts & has zero tolerance for human rights violations, in whatever guise, even against suspected criminals; as all suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

“The acts depicted in the video are at variance with our core values, as we place high premium on the rights of citizens. We wish to reassure that our personnel have been directed on professional conduct to ensure security, whilst remaining accountable to the Nigerian people.”

Osun State Government had imposed a curfew on the state after hoodlums invaded facilities to loot COVID-19 palliatives and other items.

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